RangerX's 93 Ranger XLT 4x4 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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RangerX's 93 Ranger XLT 4x4

Nope, no changes. If you're talking about the one Hawaii pic, it must just be the angle...

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Gotta be the angle. It looks like it's really tight to the roof in that pic.

Are you running solid body mounts or still using some type of bushing?

I dug out this pic for throwback thursday, thought I'd put it here, too.

1996, my first time at the Tierra del Sol run at Truckhaven!
I had picked my truck up at the shop just the night before, after having them install the Rancho lift, regear to 4.56, put in two limited slips, and mount 33" BFG's onto the stock rims.
That's right, my truck wasn't always olive drab! Here's it's the factory Burgundy with silver/grey .
I had just one real offroad run on it before this pic. Everything was still so smooth and shiny...


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I never knew it was Burgundy...Just always thought it was originally white like most Rangers

The first change in appearance in any way, since 2011 when I stepped down in tire size, happened this week.
I added a stock bumper onto the front cage.
There's a bumper height law here in Hawaii, and a yearly inspection. I've managed to pass without the bumper but I always worry about it, and about getting a ticket. So I found a Ranger bumper on Craigslist, sanded and painted it, and had it grafted on at a shop near my work.
I wanted it to go inside the cage, but he could not make it work without extensive chopping. He test fitted it on the outside of the cage, and it needed very minimal cutting. I like it better! Changes the look.
You can see how it looked without the bumper on the previous page.


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That turned out really well:chug:

I like it:thumbsup:

Looks great, Bill. :cool:
