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RE subs/ USAmps


Well-Known Member
March 25, 2005
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Long Beach, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Sport 2WD
i work at circuit city and get these amps and subs for dirt cheap. i was wondering what US amp would go good with 2 of the x.. series 12s? its going to be in a 98 f150.

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they sell resonant engineering at circuit city?????? what kinda pricing can you get for the 12" x..??

Yea...What the hell. I had to buy mine from another state.
I have Two x.. 12's and two AX3000DE amps.

If you have the money...But let me warn you. Along with those amps come voltage issues. You will definitely need to upgrade to a better alternator or maybe even two. You will also need more batteries and multiple runs of 0/1 wire.

You are not hearing me man. I have an upgraded alternator already and I can only turn the amps half way up before they cut out because there is not enough power going to them. You will need SEVERAL batteries and at least minimal one high output alternator. WARNING you now. You will buy them and wish you didn't when you can't use them because they will starve for power.

so even with 2 kinetic batteries and an upgraded alternator you are starving the amps?? maybe i wont get the XXXs. doesnt seem worth it. do they need those 2 big ass amps? whats the RMS power handling on them??

They use 2000 watts rms. Yea those amps are power hungry.

You don't need the 3000s to power the XXXs and you can use the 1500 or the 1000 to power them. However, you wont get the full potential out of them by doing so. If your not going to compete then I suggest going with the 1000 per x... Trust me in the right enclosure, you wont be able to hang with how loud the x.. can get with 2000watts going at the pair.

You don't need the 3000s to power the XXXs and you can use the 1500 or the 1000 to power them. However, you wont get the full potential out of them by doing so. If your not going to compete then I suggest going with the 1000 per x... Trust me in the right enclosure, you wont be able to hang with how loud the x.. can get with 2000watts going at the pair.

Yea...Ok.. You are saying that you will pay what they cost and not run them to their full potential? Oh and you do not want to compete with these, unless you are going sound quality. They would get smashed by spl subs. And yes you can bare them. I have two in my truck I know. 6 cubes tuned to 36 hz.

Yea...Ok.. You are saying that you will pay what they cost and not run them to their full potential? Oh and you do not want to compete with these, unless you are going sound quality. They would get smashed by spl subs. And yes you can bare them. I have two in my truck I know. 6 cubes tuned to 36 hz.

I'm not saying I would do this. I'm saying that if HappyGilmore bought them and didn't do enough electrical upgrading then it would be a waste to buy the 3000s. As you even stated yourself that you only can turn them up half way, so in my eyes thats a waste when you can easily move to the 1500 and get full use out of them. Trust me, a full 3000wrms on 2 XXXs will be plenty for a daily driver.

I am not going to run them with 3000 each... Probably about 2,200 or so. Just wanted to have the juice if I needed it. And it is not a waste on the amps. I simply have to resolve my voltage issues. And I will. I am in Okinawa Japan right now...soo there is not much I can do until I get home.

Now to get back on topic...Settle for a subwoofer that doesn't require soo much power that way you can afford to push them with a less expensive amplifier. Or buy the x.. and go all out.

I'm not going to lie 2200watts is sick and your doing it right with your amps. I'm saying that if he can't get half the potential out of the 3000s then definately go with the 1500s.

i think im just gonna keep my JL e1800d amp and run two L7 12s. its not worth it to have to upgrade every thing else to run all this stuff. thanks for the advice guys.
