Ready to order pa853 kit. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ready to order pa853 kit.


New Member
April 5, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLS 4WD
Hi guys, this is my first thread, thx for all the informations I've get from you in many others posts. Now, I want to put my truck on 33'' and I want to make a bodylift. Is it any brakes hoses to change or something like that I have to know before? I know for steering shaft extension and bumpers brackets but, that's it?

Thx. Dan.

my truck:

1999 XLS 4WD with: 2'' TT, 2''½ AAL, 31x10.5x15 Kelly Safari MSR tires.

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its just me but i would extend the brake lines just incase but i think they will be alright.

You want the 883 kit if this is going on your '99. Also, the brakelines are fine. Nothing changes in that regard when installing a body lift.

wrong kit?

I've read somewhere than every xplrer from 1995 to 2001 use the same 853 kit. If that's wrong, I have to change my order at my local autopart store as soon as possible... 883 is it for 1998 to 2001 with the different steering shaft?

1995-1997 use the 853.

1998-2001 usues the 883.

The 1998 and up uses a different steering shaft coupler.

Can you confirm that the 883 is what I would need for a 2001 sport?
