Rear hatch door lock button | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear hatch door lock button


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December 3, 2011
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'08 Explorer Ironman 4x4
Has anyone installed a rear hatch lock switch? I picked up one from the salvage yard from a 2nd gen. I thought I could make it work but I'm not having any luck. Am I right that the 1st gens didn't come with these? I have a 2dr sport.

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I have an alarm installed. So when I unlock it it unlocks the 2 doors & the hatch.

might want to go back and get the wire harness for the switch and door.

^^^ times 2 on the wiring. It is much easier to "upgrade" when the factory has all ready provided the parts for things like this than trying to figure it out on your own, unless you are either good at this kind of thing ( not as good as I am getting to be ) or, just happen to be a glutton for headaches.

Thanks guys. I did get the pigtail to this switch and I've looked at the wiring for both rigs. I'm a bit confused on the wiring though. The 96 version has a relay that all the switches goes to. My 94 doesn't have those. I tapped into the two wires that goes to the power lock on the hatch. Thinking I would be able to make it work that way. No go. I'll keep looking into it. I know there has to be a way to make it work.
