Rear Hatch Handle Flip How to: | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Hatch Handle Flip How to:

the welds in the pics are just old rusted flux cored welds, I know they they are ugly but who cares. I now use an Argon mix

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hey, thanks.No theres no solenoid because the handle still opens the glass, and it still opens the door if its not molded shut like mine

so you have to crawl through the front door to the back to open the glass?

Hey pretty cool... I really like it.

Could you go one step further and have solenoids open both? Just wondering. I will be needing to shave the handle for a custom tire mount, and don't want to crawl over all the gear I carry to open the hatch or the window.

yes this thread is to show you how to relocate your handle without having to buy solenoids, Solenoids are very straight forward and simple to mount. I am not going this route because I rarley open the rear window an my hatch is welded shut. This thread is simply to show you how you can shave your hatch, and stil be able to open it without solenoids.

but yes if you wanted to use electric solenoids, you would need 2 of them.

Love it!!! may do it to mine, put a key fob for the glass so i can pop it remotely and reach in to pop the hatch.

If you have no need to open the 'hatch' (which YOU don't, because you welded it up.) You should have just shaved the hatch, left the latch alone. You said you don't open your glass very often. Which means that you DO open it up from time to time. I have had my remote lose it's 4th channel code, and until I got it reprogrammed whenever I had to open the glass, I had to crawl through the rear seat, and reach back to manually turn the latch inside. Simply put, it looks clumsy. And not well thought out.

To fix it you can put a simple 15 lb. pull solenoid pointing UP on the inside of the door to pull the latch open to pop the glass. That is ALL you need to do. The latch is already spring loaded, so no need to put another spring anywhere on the glass. Wire it up to an available channel on your remote, and make it look easy next time you need to open the glass.


Read before you reply... LIKE I SAID. I had flipped ths handle BEFORE I welded the hatch shut, BEFORE!!!!! If I wanted to have the latch on a solenoid, then thats what I would have done. The reason they call it customizing, is because you are custom tailoring a vehicle to your own likes, and needs. Like I said, I DID NOT want a solenoid. There are things on your truck that I would NEVER do to mine, and Im sure that the same goes for my truck and many other people. I have been doing this for many years and the reason I love it so much, is because its all abou individuality. As soon as I posted a bulletin asking who would be interested in a writeup on this, you replied saying that you had done this same mod years ago, and that your pics were dated 2002 or something, and that you wouldnt show the pics because like a great magician you dont show your tricks lololol........ who cares? Anyways though, this forum is here for people who are working on a budget like myself. P.S. very sorry I asked about the brakes, Im sure you were very flattered

Wow, you got SO mad it took you 4 attempts to say something that wasn't going to get you banned...I'm impressed!

I did it back in 2004...

No need to get all pissed, I know YOU did it 'on the cheap, you clearly specified that in the other thread.'. I said what I did for the benefit of the NEXT guy that is willing to spend $25.00 for the solenoid and switch. Think about this, MOST guys that would take on this project would have SOMETHING around to cut up to weld into the lock and handle depressions in the hatch, those SAME guys PROBABLY have some filler around too, and access to a welder. SO, this is virtually a FREE modification....Adding 25.00 to the build cost, STILL makes this a VERY CHEAP mod.

I just added that info for the guys that will eventually be reading this.

baggedexplorer, I don't know why you are getting so defensive about my comments. We are all here to help other people out. Give them ideas about modifying their Explorers. And show them how WE did it, giving them the courage and knowledge on taking on a task such as this.


Simply put, it looks clumsy. And not well thought out.

Probably that line. The rest of the points could have been made without kicking him in the nads. Work is work- even if it isn't how you would have done it. Just my .02

i second that. spdrcr34 you didn't have to get on his case. he is showing what can be done. just like everyone else. its what can be done not what you HAVE to do. some people like me, would go for a solenoid to pop the glass. in his case he didn't want to. you don't need to bust someones chops to offer advice to better the idea.

by the way, i like his explorer better anyways. lol, jk

I was talking about MY personal experience. When I had the popper on the glass not working, is when I looked clumsy getting into the rear of my X...

Over the last few years I was asked a few times to do a write-up on this mod, and I have always declined. I'm glad he did the write-up.


thank you very much everybody, Im glad that this forum was appreciated, and I like mine better too lol This info would have really helped me out at one point, so I REALLY hope someone has used this info, or will. thanks fellas
