rear parking brake help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rear parking brake help


Active Member
January 29, 2011
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City, State
virginia beach,va
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 mountaineer
Anyone know an easier way to change the shoes lol pain in the rear

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1. Sell Mountaineer
2. Buy new Ex/Mounty with good pads already installed

Lol its not mine its a 98 sport

Save yourself the hassle, pull the axles. Probably should change the gear oil anyway.

The job is doable w/o pulling the axles, but it is a much bigger PITA. Hardest thing is to get the last spring in the top in place. I ended up using some long nose vise grips to grab the spring and pull it into place.

Do you ever use the parking brake? Drums are horrible to deal with, and the small ones behind the axle in the Explorer really suck I know my parking brake does not work, and the pad are worn to metal. I just don't deal with it, but I live in the plains state, so hills , and my parking brake usage are not that common.

What issues are you having? Pull both sides off and do one at a time so you can go over and check out the other side to make sure your installing right. Use a manual or Autozone website or in store has a "how to" print out. Mine were a pita cause I had a frozen lever that luckily the shop through in the machine for free for me to clean.....other than that its just drum brakes on a smaller scale.
