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Recall announced


Elite Explorer
March 23, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Eau Claire WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer XLT4x4 SOHC
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dang! fire+car=bad! wonder if its an electrical thing! time to do some more digging!

dang! fire+car=bad! wonder if its an electrical thing! time to do some more digging!
Scariest thing is Ford doesn't know yet. Interesting that most of them were rental vehicles. And downright weird when drivers are told, "Keep driving them but park outside away from flammable things

Scariest thing is Ford doesn't know yet. Interesting that most of them were rental vehicles. And downright weird when drivers are told, "Keep driving them but park outside away from flammable things
yeah :scratch: if i had something that could catch fire... im parking it away from everything else and driving a backup vehicle in the mean time... i wonder if it was something that was changed for rentals. or something with how people treat em rentals?

I've noticed even here locally that there is an increase in cars that catch on fire. I65 runs through here and it happens a few times a month on the interstate in our county. I come from an era of carburetors where you could open the hood and smell fuel and yet it was very rare for a car to light up.
There are recalls such as this one where I guess they have identified a problem - but I'm seeing a general trend here and it doesn't look good.

I've noticed even here locally that there is an increase in cars that catch on fire. I65 runs through here and it happens a few times a month on the interstate in our county. I come from an era of carburetors where you could open the hood and smell fuel and yet it was very rare for a car to light up.
There are recalls such as this one where I guess they have identified a problem - but I'm seeing a general trend here and it doesn't look good.
i don't see that here too much, just the occasional 18wheeler. more complexity=more places to go wrong

I've noticed even here locally that there is an increase in cars that catch on fire. I65 runs through here and it happens a few times a month on the interstate in our county. I come from an era of carburetors where you could open the hood and smell fuel and yet it was very rare for a car to light up.
There are recalls such as this one where I guess they have identified a problem - but I'm seeing a general trend here and it doesn't look good.
Say, I wonder - are these all cars with the high pressure direct gasoline injection? I watch a lot of Scotty Kilmer on You Tube and he figured it was going to be trouble as the system aged.

for me i notice no correlation with injection type. and jmo, but not a huge kilmer fan. but thats just me

Carbque's are very common out here.

