Redrigs 94 explorer xlt | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Redrigs 94 explorer xlt

I have been a member for over a year and have been Elite for just about the same time. So I guess its time for this.
I have a 94 XLT that I bought for the sole purpose of a stereo system and to haul my 2 kids around in. Well right after I got it I found this site so this is what happened...

2 inch skyjacker lift
3 PA body lift
M/T Classic 2 wheels
33 inch Steel radial mud king tires
Rancho single steering stabilizer

KKM air filter
66mm BBK Throttle body
70mm MAF
Apten single stage chip
Magnaflow exhaust

Alpine 7893 head unit
2-12 inch Rockford Fosgate subs
Rockford Fosgate 501bd amp
2 alpine 6x8's
2 boston acoustic 6x8's

My future mods are,
4:56 gears
4" suspension lift
and a few other small goodies

This site has been great and my thanks goes out to everyone here!!! Here is my truck.


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I sure this site and its members are happy to have you here. Just remember to bring Michelle back for a visit every so often.

Btw, nice Rig.

redrig, I always enjoy looking at your much of a performance gain did you get from your under the hood mods?

There is a thread here somewhere where a person had it on a dyno, I think it was about 28 HP. Im not for sure though. My opinion of mine is, Yes it made alot of difference. Not so much on take off but highend it really gets it now.

My truck pulls alot higher in rpm's now. Im not sure if its the mods or my tranny breaking in. My tranny is suppose to have springs or something in it to shift harder. I didnt notice the higher shift for awhile after the tranny was rebuilt, a little after the mods. So im just not sure what did it.

Lovely truck! One of my favorites on the site, and a prime inspiration for my own modifications. :)

I just bought a pair of Warn manaual locking hubs. That should be a nice little upgrade for me and and alow me to do a little wheeling this winter. My autos broke on me last winter.
