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relay question

ok so i bought some off road light w/out wire harness so i had to get a relay. so what i'm wanting to do is when my HI beams turn on i want the off road lights to come on too, so when ever high beam turns on off road lights come on.

This is a 5pin relay now how am i going to tun the wires??? i tried searching but not luck

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never mind found it

#30- FUSED!! wire from the positive battery terminal. Make it at least a gauge thicker than the wire on the lights.
#87- from your two driving lights positive wires. Same size wire as #30.
#87a- not used
#85- grounded to chassis
#86- one wire that you ran through the firewall taps 12 volt positive power off the #30 wire. Sends it through the wire through your firewall to your switch. goes through the switch and comes back on the other wire. This wire attaches to the #86 pin. (or in this case the High Beam Wire)

(found this off another site....... good ol :) )

Run 12-ga wire min from the battery to Pin 30 on the relay and again from pin 87 to the lights.
The Switch power can come from the Circuit Panel inside the vehicle to the switch and then to Pin 86 on the relay; it doesn't have to run from pin 30 into the vehicle and out again. This way you have only one wire running through the firewall.
Make sure you have good grounds, both at the relay and at the lights.

You can buy Relays without Pin 87a, sometimes cheaper $$$.

Wire up the relay first and make sure it clicks when you flip the switch, then wire the power from the battery.


I don't question that a smaller gauge wire could work and might last even when running the lights for an extend period of time but I build to a point where I don't worry about the wiring once installed.

Running 12 gauge wire even for a short run will allow all of the current to the lights that is required to give you the brightest lights and wire isn't very expensive so a little more safety factor is a good thing.

Talk to me about the socket, I assume you are talking about the Relay Socket.
Does the Socket mount tot eh vehicle or does the Relay ?

I the Relay mounts to the vehicle then you could use some female spade lugs to connect your wires.

Do you have the relay already ?
If not then consider buying one that does not require the socket and run the heavier wire.

What you decide on for wire gauge, make sure it will carry the current you need and fuse the power wire from teh battery accordingly and as close to the battery as possible.

here is what i got

here's what i says under the description
Prewired relay socket for use with 12V Bosch type five terminal relays. Three 12" heavy 14 ga. power wires and two 12" 18 ga. coil control wires. For all applications including door lock, light flasher, and remote start circuits.

heres the relay i have

NOTE: the off road lights i'm using are only 100watts (each), i will probable use the same wire they will use...... if i remember right the wirees comming from the off road lights aren't that big, but i will know when they get here

OK on what you have... IMHO this is what I would do...

As direct as I can, do not use the Socket, remember one thing OEM uses the minimum wire gauge to save money.
Use Female Lugs, the kind that push on the Terminals on the Relay. then use the 12 ga wire for the power pin 30 and 18 gauge wire to actuate the Relay on pins 85 and 86 to ground.

IMHO the 14 ga wire is at the minimum of the wire gauges to be used for the main power unless the lights have 55 watt bulbs.

If you use the Push-On Wire Lugs, get the kind that are not insulated, squeeze each lug a little before sliding over the relay terminal just to make sure they seat tightly and use Heat Shrink on each terminal. Verified that the circuit works as you want it to, then use the Heat Shrink that has glue in it; that way each connection will be waterproof.
Also, the Heat Shrink will help secure the Wire Lugs.
