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Removing overload spring


Elite Explorer
March 30, 2007
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91 XLT
I just read a post where someone removed the overload spring (the flat spring on the bottom of the spring pack) and added a full length generic spring in it's place.

Now to my dilema. I lifted my truck 2", I like the added height, but now the rear is VERY stiff. I know I could take off the add-a-leaf and put on a shackle to make the ride better but I would like some added articulation. Supposedly adding the longer leaf and taking off the overload spring does this. Could I just take off the overload spring to soften things up? Would I still get the added articulation with the shorter add-a-leaf I'm already using? Would I still have to add a shackle to replace lift that I've lost in taking off the overload spring?

Opinions are very much appreciated here.

Thanks in advance. Sorry post is so long.

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Your overload is most likely not affecting the spring rate right now.

Is your overload a "flat" spring or is is curved and actually touching the rest of the pack? Unless its touching the pack its not affecting the ride.

That means, pulling it will only affect what happens when you have a lot of weight on the truck (enough to make your current springs hit the overload)..
Adding/replacing with a full length spring will just make things worse.


Got it, so shakel (spelling?) or custom spring pack for a better ride.

No, I don't have shackles. Will be getting them soon though. Thanks. Anybody know where I can get the warrior shackles for a good price?

Before you go spending more money, do you know the shape of your rear shocks? If they're blown, that could be the cause of your trouble. Get some shocks for 2" lift and see how that goes before you go switching up lift and potentially wasting money. I'm running stock overload spring with a full size Chevy leaf added to the stock pack (basically an AAL) and love the ride, even with blown shocks (it's "on the list".) With stock shackles I'm level with the Skyjacker 132S coils up front.

Blown shocks would cause the rear to be soft and bouncy, not stiff.

Ditto.. The only way blown shocks will make the ride stiffer is if they are really rusted and frozen.. which normally doesn't happen.. normall before they freeze they loose a seal and become very soft (dont' do anything).


Blown shocks can easily cause a rough ride, although I suppose there could be some extra softness before they get to that point. If they're at their limit they could be "topping out" on the uptravel, which tends to cause the rough ride. That's what I was referring to.

Lift springs + worn stock length shocks = teh suck.

I actually replaced my shocks with new pro comp shocks when I lifted my truck.


I got my shackles off of ebay and they are some beefy pieces. I think my shackles ran me $50.00 for 2" ( it's been a while). They do get hung up on Red Lake trail but so does the forward spring mount. They aren't really expensive on the various web sites, still around $50- $65.

Welshdragon-you live in Fresno? Pm me we'll have to get together. I'm searching around for a good price on shackles now.

If you want the lift without the stiffness, your best bet is removing the AAL and going with the WAR153 shackle.

Removing the overload spring helps slightly since it provides some support to the entire pack, BUT it comes at the cost of weakening the entire pack and the risk of breaking/snapping a leaf. Not good.

Throw on the shackles without the AAL and you'll probably be happy with it.

Of course, a new 2-2.5" lift spring pack like the OME (Old Man Emu) is even better...but kind of expensive.
