Road Trip from Brooklyn NY back to Idaho!!! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Road Trip from Brooklyn NY back to Idaho!!!

Have a safe trip

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Have I told you lately that I hate you two! :D

Have I told you how much I hate you for the smoking deal you got on it.

You are lucky you already bought it. If you hadn't I would have been sending a check out today. I leave in 2 weeks to go up that way for work so I was just going to drive it home instead of fly back.

Have I told you how much I hate you for the smoking deal you got on it.

You are lucky you already bought it. If you hadn't I would have been sending a check out today. I leave in 2 weeks to go up that way for work so I was just going to drive it home instead of fly back.

Fair enough... But, at least you still have something to go wheeling in... I was down to just the Excursion, really who wheels an Excursion!!!

I was down to just the Excursion, really who wheels an Excursion!!!

Hey- it sure as hell doesn't look graceful, but she got up there!!! :D

Car wash?

Have a safe trip Heath! :thumbsup:

Fair enough... But, at least you still have something to go wheeling in... I was down to just the Excursion, really who wheels an Excursion!!!

I am glad to see it go to a long time member and be kept together. If I would have bought it and drove it home it would have stayed together long enough for me to sell the motor and trans and then a few days later it would have been in a hundred pieces scattered around my garage. Even driving it cross country I could have made probably $2-3k parting it out.

y did they put a cummins in a excursion i thought the 7.3 powerstroke has more power and then the cummins


y did they put a cummins in a excursion i thought the 7.3 powerstroke has more power and then the cummins

It might stock, but the Cummins can be souped up way more. There both fairly reliable and good motors, but i'd take a cummins anyday.

I hear the cummins swap to replace the V10 is gaining popularity. Maybe I should do that.

Oh yeah. I'm in NYC. Plane just landed. Unfortunatly I'm at the back so I'm still waiting to deboard.

too bad, you drive 60 miles above me.

Heath, Can you hear me now? Where are you? Have you passed Mich. yet?

Heath leaving Crooklyn...

Almost didn't make it in the first time!

Last I heard he was going through Iowa...


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Heath, you have our permission to spam the hell out of cdsl's email for that... :D

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Looking good Heath.
Tell us about the trip/adventure travel.
