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Robb's SAS

Hey Guys!
OK, I was trying to put off starting a thread like this until stuff got closer to done, but I have been asked so many questions in the middle of other threads, I thought I should.

This is the plan:

As a lot of you guys know, I had the oppurtunity to have the work done by an expert at one heck of a good price.:D The SOA and SFA are being done by Cory at CRL Customs So, as far as the really technical stuff, I will have no idea since I am not the person actually doing the work.

OK, the first obvious question. "Why a D30?" I know most people instantly think of a D44 when they think of a SAS for an Explorer. The idea of a D30 hit me when I was planning on doing the project myself (which would have never become reality). I liked how the YJ D30 was about the same width, bolt pattern was the same, I thought leafs would be pretty easy (Wrong!), and $$$. So I started looking into the pros and cons of the D30, and after a lot of research, I felt it met my requirements for what I was looking for out of an axle. And to be honest, I think stock D44s (especially LPs) are a bit overated (yep, I said it). They aren't the strongest things on Earth like a lot of people seem to think.

OK, enough yapping for a starter post. Let me throw a few pics of the progress.


Start with a stock pic:


  • stock.jpg
    44 KB · Views: 1,662

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The funny pic with SOA and 27"s:


  • 27s from the side.jpg
    27s from the side.jpg
    46.1 KB · Views: 1,511

The replacement:


  • d30 on ground.jpg
    d30 on ground.jpg
    36.2 KB · Views: 1,460

Originally posted by morrisey0
And to be honest, I think stock D44s (especially LPs) are a bit overated (yep, I said it). They aren't the strongest things on Earth like a lot of people seem to think.

mmmhmm LPs aren't much of a hoot in my book... I'd prefer HP as well... I really would like a d44 HD HP :) That's only cause I can't afford a d60 I'm sure if ya aren't using TONS of the skinny pedal, and aren't doin wicked wheelin, the d30 should hold up....

For awhile :D

Oh, what ya gonna do about the hubs?

I thought you were going to go with Coil springs?

Dang it! Now I gotta figure out what coils I need to get, I was hoping you would use them then I could see where yours sits with the coils.

Is that just where it is today? I am going to be have to come down soon and peep around at it when corry gets closer to doing the steering.

that would look tight with some american racing ar 136s

RFR2212: I got Warn alloy axle shafts on the way, so it will be strong enough. I am in VA, we don't do too much crazy "crawlin" here.

taxxman2k: Nope. You may be thinkin of JoshC, he is putting an XJ D30 with coils on.

Foote: You are just nuts!!:D

Originally posted by taxxman2k
I thought you were going to go with Coil springs?

josh is going coils..

edit: what he said ^ robb's 10:37 is earlier than my 10:37..

So far so good Robb. Has he mounted the shackles and stuff for the leaf springs yet? What are you doing about driveshafts? What gear did you end up installing? Has he given you any kind of a ball park date as to when it will be done?

Sorry all the questions, but i'm an impatient waiter!:D

Happy trails!!

im with Josh on this one, i think we need daily updates! even if its a "well, havent heard anything today".:D

BTW- the Warn shafts will make that 30 fairly stout. my YJ friend has 36" Swampers and a locker in his front, and has oddly enough never broken a frontend part with those axles. i, on the other hand, break stock 44 outer stub shafts like they were made of balsa wood. ive got a pile in the garage. and we go down the same trails. :(

Originally posted by james t
i, on the other hand, break stock 44 outer stub shafts like they were made of balsa wood. ive got a pile in the garage. and we go down the same trails. :(

I believe it's time ya get yourself some warn shafts, and CTM u-joints, and yer all set!

Josh, I think the last time I talked to Cory was on Wednesday. I think the pic of the axle just sitting underneath was where he was at that point. I believe it should be all hung by Monday night. The rear driveshafts will have to be extended, and the front made. I will prolly be taking care of that when I get it back. I haven't done anything about gears yet. As far as when he'll be done, I have no idea and don't push it. Between school, homework, trying to run a business, and having a life..........I can imagine it is tough to find time to go work on my truck for free. There is also a lot more stuff that has to be designed, fabbed, and tested before it becomes final.

James, yea, it should be okay. For now, I only have the Warn inners, at least I think they are Warns. They are supposed to be, but I bought them slightly used and have no idea how to tell whether they really are or not............anyone got any suggestions on that? I will be getting outers tho. Here is a pic for ya tho..........:D

RFR2212, yep, CTMs would be nice for me also. Right now tho, I got 2 sets of the good 'ol X297s to play with. If I start breaking those (which I doubt), I will prolly try the X760s (I think that is the new #), they are supposed to be 10X more durable than the 297s.


edit: scratch that part about the Warn shafts...........I guess the one piece instead of two piece long shaft should have given it away:confused: :confused:

Here are the latest pics.

But first, a preface.

The YJ 30 comes factory SUA, but I got the new perches and have them setup for SOA. This, with front YJ springs is STILL not enough lift. There is so much more weight that the springs negatively arch and push the shackles back to horizontal.

I've informed Robb he needs new lift springs. I think we are going to try the 4.5" Rubicon Express springs. At least that is what I am going to tell him!

It is hard to see in one of the pics, but there is a crossmember between the two mounts at the front of the vehicle.





I will be using a Scout steering box once I get the new springs in there and set it up then. Once the springs and steering are worked out, I will forklift flex it and decide on shock lengths.

Then it will be simple things like brakelines and driveshafts.

I was thinking of selling this as a "kit," but I don't think it is possible. There are too many things that would make it impossible for the average guy to "bolt on." I had a hard time cutting out all the brackets and crossmemebers and I was using a plasma torch. I cannot imagine what it would have been like with a saw-zall or cutoff wheel!

I will sell the brackets to whomever wants them if they think they can tackle the rest.

I know it is not at final height but how bout some pics of the clearance of the axle and frame and the pumpkin?

robb i hate you, you truck is gonna be done before mine

what are we looking at finished product 6" of lift?

Is that the angle you welded the spring perch's on? Isn't the angle of the pinion a little low? I know once it is sitting on its tobe springs, that angle can only get worse. The shackles are in the rear, like they should be, but the angle seems off.

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it is probably off because of the negative arch in the springs right now.

Shoulda said this before, but as always I am impressed with the quality of Cory's work.
