Rock Crawling Video | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rock Crawling Video


September 4, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Darien, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
I'm getting an new Explorer in Jan. I'll have $19,000 to put into it. I really want to make a rock crawling video. I'm new to this, where would I find a really good driver who could drive my truck in the video?

If I love at online vids can I just contact a guy whose driving impresses me or is it better to go thru a club or what?

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Why would you want somebody else to drive your truck? Why don't you just practice and then drive it yourself?

wait a minute, you're going to put 19 grand into a NEW explorer (the hardest to make trail worthy) and then let someone else drive it? no offense man, but what are you :smoke:?

I'm not a pro at driving, but i'll drive your X for free.
I have beaten "Need For Speed Underground" three times, and have gone go-cart racing about 5 times in my life. I like to consider myself a good driver, although I have never done any real rock crawing I think I can handle it with the 19 grand worth of parts your putting into it. :burnout:............... :roll:
