Roof Rack Removal on a 2005 Ford Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Roof Rack Removal on a 2005 Ford Explorer


Explorer Addict
April 17, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Orchard Park, N.Y.
Year, Model & Trim Level
'05 Explorer XLT 4.0L
HI all,

does anyone know how to remove the roof rack or luggage rack on a 2005 Ford Explorer? Specifically, the middle side rail bracket so I can get at the screws that mount it to the roof top? I can't figure out how to remove the rail from the bracket that mounts it to the roof. I see a small hole on the inside edge of the rail bracket that may house some kind of lock down screw, but I can't see it and it is on an angle. Do I need to remove what ever this is or does the whole rail and bracket just pop off the base plate? I have tried prying it up with no luck at all. I have a roof leak and need to get at the mounting screws to this middle rail bracket to clean and seal them up with silicone. I know how to remove the front and rear cover trim pieces to get at that those screws, but the middle ones are a PITA to figure out. Thanks for any help you can offer!

Update: I used a camera to take a picture into the small hole on the inner side of side rail to see what kind of fastener is in there. It is a " Torx Screw" size T-25 just like the other screws that hold down the roof rack. The screw inside the hole is inserted on an angle and is a PITA to get out. You can't use any long handled screw driver (angle to the rooftop is too tight) and you must use a specialty type of driver to remove this screw. I happened to have a small, flat ratcheting driver that you can slip a Torx driver bit into, but even with this, it was a pain to remove. Once the middle side rail screw is out and you have removed the front and rear screws to the side rails (Total 6 screws per side) , you can lift up on the whole side rail. The middle base to the side rails are adjustable and you can slide them forward and back with the screws in place. The screws to the middle base do not lock the base down to the roof and they only tighten so far down. The screws to the front and rear bases do tighten the bases down to the roof top. My leak appears to have been through the front screws since they were heavily rusted where the middle and rear base screws were not rusted much at all. I cleaned up all the screws and put silicone into every screw hole and re-installed everything, except that hard to get at middle base inner side rail screw that fits into the small hole in the side of the rail. I didn't have the patience to re-install it for now. Also, there is another screw that attaches to the middle base and rail. It screws from underneath the base upwards into the rail. Also, the front and rear side rail trim pieces just pop off, with one yellow colored plastic push plug holding them in place. Just be careful not to break or crack the push plugs.

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Your post is long and I didn't read it. So I apologize if you answered your own question in it.

The front and rear covers pop off and you remove the screws. Then you grab the rack and either slide it forward or backward to get it off the middle screws.

Edit: looks like you did, so my post is just the cliff note version.

The front and rear covers pop off and you remove the screws. Then you grab the rack and either slide it forward or backward to get it off the middle screws.


Thanks and yeah, I figured out the middle bracket can be slid off of the screws once you pull the front and rear screws. I did it the hard way though, by removing the tie down screw that holds the side rail to the base to get at the roof screws. I searched all over this forum and the web and found no posts on how to remove that damn roof rack for the 2002-2005 Explorers, especially the middle base bracket.

The '05 is different than the 02-04, which have screws for the middle piece. The 05 may be more like the 4th gen. It's rail is different as well.

The '05 is different than the 02-04, which have screws for the middle piece. The 05 may be more like the 4th gen. It's rail is different as well.

I don't why Ford made the middle base bracket adjustable to where you can slide it forward or backwards but maybe it has something to with lining up the screws to the holes for the front and rear bases. It would have been nice to know ahead of time I could just slip the middle base off by sliding it an inch or two, then just lift it up and over the screw heads. It would have saved me a lot of time and aggravation. :frustrated:
