RPM drop on startup | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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RPM drop on startup


Well-Known Member
August 27, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Greensboro, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 ExElTee
I did some searching not really knowing what to enter as my search query, but I think a dirty IAC valve may be my issue. I did clean the valve about 2-3 months ago however, so I was wondering if it could have gotten dirty enough in that time to cause a problem.

My 93 just hit 190k. Yesterday afternoon/night I went to a show about 2 hours from my house so I did a lot of highway driving. No problems while driving, thank goodness. I made a stop on the way back home to drop off a friend. Then I started my truck again. It sat normal for about 1-2 seconds then the oil pressure began fluctuating like crazy and the rpm dropped, also while fluctuating a little. The rpm dropped all the way and the truck died. Started the truck again and while the rpm were dropping I gave it a little gas and then put it into drive. No problems after that; my truck ran great all the way back to my house. I haven't gone out to start it yet this morning. Any ideas what my problem could be? Thanks in advance.

it might be the iac but when mine went out it made the rpms higher, it also might be a vacum line

A few things can cause problems with a hot start...

In no particular order, the things I have seen people use to fix it are....

IAC clean/replace
MAF clean
Fuel Pressure regulator
Fuel injectors leaking

Normally, hot restart issues aren't the IAC, its normally the cold starts that have the problem.. Where it will start and then just die until it warms up some.. then it will idle, just a little low.


Thanks for the suggestions. I started 'er up just now and she ran fine. I let the engine idle for about 30 seconds and there were no problems. I guess it was just all that driving I did last night.
