Rubber Inserts for cup holders | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rubber Inserts for cup holders


Well-Known Member
March 20, 2013
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2013 EX Limited, 302A
Hi all,
Was wondering if anyone was able to find rubber inserts/liners for the front cup holders. I remeber seeing another thread about this but couldnt find it - the thread (i think reply by Peter) did refer to a PN# but i couldnt locate that part on the ford website.

Does anyone know if these exist and where i can get these? Kinda tired having to clean them out


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Look at "Interior".
There is a cup holder and a cup holder/lighter element combo.
Ford Accessories
Not exactly a simple insert, but from this, you can check the AMarket parts and have some specs to go on.

To get actual Ford detail or specs, take the part # from above and search it here,sometimes you get the details, sometimes you wont:
Ford Parts

Hi all,
Was wondering if anyone was able to find rubber inserts/liners for the front cup holders. I remeber seeing another thread about this but couldnt find it - the thread (i think reply by Peter) did refer to a PN# but i couldnt locate that part on the ford website.

Does anyone know if these exist and where i can get these? Kinda tired having to clean them out

A 'Search' on cup holders will bring up several threads. The thread in which I posted a part number was for the cup holder itself. I don't know if there is an actual official rubber insert.

Since your profile doesn't say which model you have I looked at the XLT but I believe they are all the same. You have to look under 'Body' and the 'Console' and open up one of the diagrams. I also could not find it by searching the part number.


2013 Ford Explorer Limited Center Console


I believe those are quite expensive from Ford - something like $50+ bucks each.

There are some round inserts you can buy from various stores that can be trimmed to fit and cost only a few bucks.

I have some solid bottom "cuzies" I use. They work just fine.

I had one missing. The parts guy at the dealer was embarrassed to tell me how much they cost. I found one on eBay, and it was still $35.

I have a pair out of my 98 XLT that look to be the same. I took them out to fit a larger drink in the holder and would gladly send them out for the cost of shipping if anyone wants them. They are in decent shape for pushing 20 years old.

Just realized this thread was ancient.
