Rusted Rockers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rusted Rockers


Explorer Addict
June 27, 2005
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1998 Sport 4wd- V6 Sohc
I went under my '98 Sport this weekend to remove the rusted step bars, while undoing the bolts I noticed that the mounts on the truck frame and rocker panels were all rusted out.

Some of the bolts even broke out of the bolt holes in the frame. There is also some rust coming from underneath the rocker panels.

I am sure this is a common problem for the X, does anyone know how much it would cost to have new sheet metal welded into the rocker panels, so that I may be able to mount some new step bars?


i think to get my whole rocker panels replaced and painted and some kind of undercoating on the bottom of the rocker panels it was liek $250 but where you live and stuff could be more or less expensive

Thats a good ballpark start.

Thanks X92
