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Saleen Ranger

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yeah, i saw that too. pretty wild.

The seats and door panels are nice.

...Nice find...#27 of #27,,,:biggthump









The specs say it comes with a custom MOMO 3-spoke steering wheel, but of course the pics show it just has the standard Ford 2-spoke and the work order has a zero for it. Makes me wonder if only the ones without cruise control got the MOMO wheel or they decided against the aftermarket wheel after checking out the cruise controls.

I forgot how fugly the cars and trucks were in the 80's.

The front ends not bad, but I dont care for it much at all, the bodykit looks horrible, the wheels are too small, and the engines stock!?

Maybe I read it wrong but I believe they said the engine was left stock??

This brings back memories...

Yes the Saleen Ranger had a 2.9 liter V6 in them...But I converted a couple of these[neither one in this good shape] way back in the mid 90's...Not the most powerful of Fords' engines...

One got a warmed over 5.0 liter with a Paxton and the other one got a 347 stroker and an Explorer rear end with disk brakes and LS differential...
