Scan Tool | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Scan Tool


New Member
March 17, 2005
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Richmond, calif
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
I'm in the market for a decent scan tool and hope I can get some recommendations. My price range is from $100 (or even lower ;) to $500. I need a tool that can talk both OBD I and OBD II and is capable of recording disagnostic data for later analysis. Any recommendations? Thanks

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It seems that I've seen Autoxray's scanner is good for what you want. Glacier991 had a post on here with pictures and such using an Autoxray scanner to monitor live data on a '93 or '94.

Please note this, though. From all I can gather, Ford didn't put the ability to output live data into their EEC-IV computers until '93 (I don't know about other manufacturers). I have not found any concrete evidence that a '92 or older will output live data to a scanner (I notice the information that your profile says you have a '92). So that may be a consideration. In EEC-IV computers that predate the ability to output live data, any kind of "scanner" or "code reader" becomes a really expensive paper clip, since one can pull codes on these with nothing more than a short piece of wire.

A friend of mine bought an Auto Xray a couple years ago and it has been well worth the money he spent. I think he spent somewhere around $400 back then. I do know that you can do real time monitoring with GM vehicles with OBD2 but I don't think you can with Fords and I don't know about any other brands. Good luck.

On 2005-03-16 13:06, caddybill wrote:
I just bought this one

IT's the Actron CP9145 it can read codes and view live engine data parameters. I got it for $159 on sale and with a rebate.

My AutoXRay scanner has more than paid for itself over the years.

A scanner is one tool I will never be without.


What kind of real time engine parameters are you ale to read? This is with your 94 correct? sounds interesting.

No, I have not used it yet on my 94 X. I have only used it on my 98 Dodge Ram with OBDII. On the Dodge I can read Rpm's, engine temp, O2 sensor values, Tps value, and a few other things. I don't think you can see live data on pre ODBII. Check out for specks.

I didn't think so either, thats why I was curious.

Has anyone tried or recommend OBD II scan software vs. scanner. I'm looking into getting something to scan and get info and was looking for recommendations of units or software. Thanks.

On 2005-03-16 13:06, caddybill wrote:
I just bought this one

IT's the Actron CP9145 it can read codes and view live engine data parameters. I got it for $159 on sale and with a rebate.

that is what autozone uses...
