Scott B's 2006 Ranger FX4 Level II | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Scott B's 2006 Ranger FX4 Level II

Hey Scott,

I haven't forgotten about you and the grille. Work's been crazy, truck needed repairs, and I haven't been on-line much up until this weekend. I'll shoot you an e-mail a little later.

As for the AVM, I'm looking forward to this write-up too. Now I just have to re-purchase all the manual t-case conversion stuff I once had and possibly add the AVM work to the to-do list.

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I just finished the AVM hub conversion writeup: Linky


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Nice Write-up. I love mine. They don't recommend lube but I use a light coat of gear oil on the workings of the hubs as not to thin the grease out too much. The hubs work much better doing such.

Nice Write-up. I love mine. They don't recommend lube but I use a light coat of gear oil on the workings of the hubs as not to thin the grease out too much. The hubs work much better doing such.

I use a thin coat of synthetic wheel bearing grease. (I edited my writeup and added this.) I feel the grease, being thicker/stickier than gear oil, will stay in place - I think the gear oil will eventually drain off.

That is the only thing i don't understand about hub installs...they all say no lube and they don't work very nicely if you leave them dry.

Anyway, enjoy the new hubs! :D

That is the only thing i don't understand about hub installs...they all say no lube and they don't work very nicely if you leave them dry.

Anyway, enjoy the new hubs! :D

I agree - on my '93, I always put a little grease on the splines. And, when I rebuilt those hubs, I greased the bearings.

I finally got around to buying a full-size spare. The wheel is an American Racing Baja, 15x7.

The Baja is very similar to the factory Alcoas that are on the truck - I actually like the Baja better. Less backspacing move the tire farther out, and gives a deeper dished look. I may change the Alcoas for a set of Bajas - stay tuned...


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In-Bed Tire Carrier

I built a tire carrier for the full-sized spare.

It bolts through the bed floor (backing plates underneath) and holds the tire above the bed floor, allowing long items to be slid under the tire.


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...:shifty_ey ...I had to run in and look at your pics...

....Whew...I thought you had beat me to my idea...:confused:

...The one we talked about on the phone the other night...

..Oh wait, you thought you stole my idea...:p:

...I do like this set up though...Quick question...What made you decide to mount it where you did?

...I do like this set up though...Quick question...What made you decide to mount it where you did?

It had to be horizontal, due to the tonneau cover. I raised it to be able to carry long objects in the bed. It was on the left side, because the other truck has it on the left side. Thinking about it now (thanks a lot :mad:) I probably should have put on the right side for weight distribution. Oh well.

I am thinking about building a storage cabinet along the right side of the bed - we'll see.

Engine Block Heater

I finally got around to installing an engine block heater.

In 2006, these were not available from Ford unless you were buying a fleet truck.

I got this one from Jegg's - I forget the manufacturer's name, but it is the same one Ford uses.


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The heating unit replaces the forward freeze plug on the passenger side of the engine block.

Pop out the plug, put in the heater, tighten the screw - nothing to it!


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...Stock brake lines???..:shifty_ey...We need to install a lift on that thing...:D

I have a set of steel braided lines and fittings waiting to be installed. When I install the rear disk brake conversion, I will be fitting all new brake lines.

I would like to install a lift - but RCD no longer builds their kit. I would go with Dixon Brothers, but I don't want to increase the track width (this is a daily driver.) So for now, no lift. :(

New Shocks

I just ordered new rear shocks - Bilstein 5100. I thought about the new 5165 reservoir shock, but figured it was overkill for this truck. And, twice the price of the 5100. (I think I will run the 5165s on my other truck...)

The front is going to take some customization - Bilstein doesn't make a direct replacement shock. (I really want to get rid of that funky shock anyway.) I will get a shorter 5100, and use a limiting strap. Stay tuned for part numbers, etc.


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Rear Disk Brake Conversion

This weekend, I decided to empty one of the parts shelves in my garage - I installed the rear disk brakes! I've been collecting parts for over a year for this project (where does the time go??) and I still had to make 2 trips to the parts store.

The conversion is complete, with the exception of the emergency brake cabling. That will be completed in the next day or so.

This conversion used Ford Explorer caliper assemblies (bracket, mounting plate, drum e-brake), Raybestos rebuilt calipers, new Bendix rotors, and Russell DOT brake lines.



Lokar emergency brake cable:





Caliper bracket/backing plate installed:


A visitor:


When reassembling the axle, initially the axles wouldn't push in to the differential far enough to slip on the C-clips. It turns out the axle flange was hitting part of the e-brake lever system. I ground down the raised up portion, and removed the outer main return spring. This allowed to slide into the differential sufficiently to install the C-clips. Re-attaching the spring with the axle in place was a PITA.



Completed assembly:



I had an assortment of parts from Russell - I planned out this project, measured everything, and had all the parts I needed. Well, not exactly. Yes, I had all the pieces - however, once I put the fittings in place, things were slightly different than what I measured...

I ended up getting a different chassis-to-axle hose and chassis-to-caliper hoses for the front. The new hoses have 90 degree angles at one end. These hoses fit so much better - very sanitary if I say so myself!


Axle Mount






..Haha, I heard you bangin on stuff all the way to my place..:bsnicker:

..Your visitor, a water moccasin?

..Waiting for lot's of pics and info of the Lokar set up..:popcorn:

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..Haha, I heard you bangin on stuff all the way to my place..:bsnicker:

..Your visitor, a water moccasin?

..Waiting for lot's of pics and info of the Lokar set up..:popcorn:

I wasn't banging that much - everything went back together, more or less...

The visitor was a non-poisonous snake - probably a black racer. He was just curious as to the activity in the garage...

I started installing the Lokar assembly. Should finish tomorrow evening.
