Screamin Demon 31725 Coil Pack on 5.0? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Screamin Demon 31725 Coil Pack on 5.0?

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My coil packs arrived today and I can confirm that they work just fine with the 5.0. I don't really have any impressions of them yet as I quickly installed them before dinner and now I'm hangin' with my son before bed. I did a quick test drive with them but just wanted to make sure the truck drove (which it did just fine).

I've been running the screamin' demons on my explorer for nearly 2 years, I didn't really notice a performance increase but it's hard to tell. I did open up my plug gaps to what they recommended.

I've been running the screamin' demons on my explorer for nearly 2 years, I didn't really notice a performance increase but it's hard to tell. I did open up my plug gaps to what they recommended.

Did you notice any mileage increase by opening up the gap? Did you go to .065 as they recommended? I'm sort of toying with the idea right now but won't bother if there's not a big performance or mileage gain.

I do know now that my truck runs a bit smoother when I switched from OEM to MSD so MSD to Screamin Deamon seems marginal so far. No regrets in getting these coil packs as they're cheaper than MSD and OEM and seem to be similar so far to MSD in quality and construction (including brass as opposed to aluminum terminals which are standard on OEM).

Honestly, it's hard for me to tell if there way any improvement at all. I put them in before I started into my SAS and was getting 11mpg city, didn't really notice an improvement in economy but it idled better.

My coil packs arrived today and I can confirm that they work just fine with the 5.0. I don't really have any impressions of them yet as I quickly installed them before dinner and now I'm hangin' with my son before bed. I did a quick test drive with them but just wanted to make sure the truck drove (which it did just fine).

So what's your impression after a couple weeks?

So what's your impression after a couple weeks?

Nothing different than MSD when it comes down to it. I viewed the MSD packs as being slightly better than OEM. Very subtle difference. I'll probably go back to MSD just because the red packs look better with all the other red accents under my hood, but I've got the wire all nicely loomed and tweaked that I'm truly lazy to go back. I'll just keep the Deamons as backups.

My take on aftermarket packs is that they're better made than stock (with the brass contacts) and a better value when it comes down to it because OEM tend to be more expensive. If I were to recommend an aftermarket alternative to OEM, I think you can't go wrong with either.

Hey Celly, if you don't want those extra coil packs can I take them off your hands perhaps?

Local sale...

I'd sell the Screamin Demons, but given that they're only a few weeks old and in pristine condition, I'd pretty much expect to get close to what I paid for them which was exactly $147.10 when translated to Canadian (i.e. that's how much hit my credit card). By comparison's sake, a set of MSD packs will cost you just south of $184 Canadian, taxes in at Mopac.

Shoot me an offer via PM if you're serious and we could have a deal. Keep in mind I'm in SE, and have pretty much zero free time after work in coming days to meet (family commitments). Then off to the US on Sunday afternoon until the following Friday.

We can work that out offline.
