Sea Foam now sold in Calgary AB!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sea Foam now sold in Calgary AB!!!


Well-Known Member
March 18, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer Sport SOHC 4x
Just an FYI!

I had no luck with purchasing Sea Foam here in Calgary, AB Canada, until last weekend.

A friend was also looking for the product, and e-mailed Sea Foam directly to find that we now have a solid local retailer. I too also tried contacting Sea Foam directly about a year ago with no luck. So, my friend was on the way to pick it up as it was just being recieved of the dock. The first sale in Calgary for this product!

So, if you have had problems in the past with a Canada purchase of this product, you may want to re-check into this.

BTW... $12 CAN a bottle...


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Ok!! I keep hearing about this Sea Foam. It may sound like a stupid question but.. What is Sea foam????. Hope you all aren't laughing to hard.LOL.. Thanks ahead of time.. Peace.

jsun said:
Just an FYI!

I had no luck with purchasing Sea Foam here in Calgary, AB Canada, until last weekend.

A friend was also looking for the product, and e-mailed Sea Foam directly to find that we now have a solid local retailer. I too also tried contacting Sea Foam directly about a year ago with no luck. So, my friend was on the way to pick it up as it was just being recieved of the dock. The first sale in Calgary for this product!

So, if you have had problems in the past with a Canada purchase of this product, you may want to re-check into this.

BTW... $12 CAN a bottle...


Trying to keep it all to yourself? Share the wealth, man.

celly said:
Trying to keep it all to yourself? Share the wealth, man.

Ya no doubt. Hook a brother up!!!

Hey Gary. I'm not that fussed about getting a can. My Ex runs pretty good as it is. Sort of a peculiar post, nonetheless. Like everything else these days, I'd probably get a can and it would sit for several months before I did anything with it. This little thing called parenthood sort of gets in the way these days. ;)

There's a Crappy Tire being built near by place. Maybe the "mystery store" is CT.

celly said:
There's a Crappy Tire being built near by place. Maybe the "mystery store" is CT.

Could be?!?! My GF works at one in Lethbridge and I know she works tomorrow. I'll get her to check it out if we don't hear from jsun


Nope it's not Crappy Tire, and I also have heard rumors of Auto Value carrying this stuff soon also.

The name is......(drum role please)...."Central Auto Parts and Distribution".
403-259-8655 located near blackfoot motor cycles in that area.

Nice to see some more local members!!!


LMK if you have probs finding it. :exp:

falls chic said:
Ok!! I keep hearing about this Sea Foam. It may sound like a stupid question but.. What is Sea foam????. Hope you all aren't laughing to hard.LOL.. Thanks ahead of time.. Peace.

It's a carbon deposit remover. The stuff will clean the gummed up crap from your pistons, intake valve....ect. if you need the nitty gritty about this, You will find more than enough info using a search.


Cheers! :cool:

Well, out of curiosity, I dropped by this place as I don't live too far away. I walked in asking about Sea Foam and they tell me they have pallets and pallets of the stuff and that all their stores have it available. I had never heard of this place and they tell me they're the distributor for Auto Value. I think the original poster already knew that but for some strange reason wouldn't tell us. ;)

Gary, they don't have it in Lethbridge yet, but it will be soon. Stay tuned or make the drive up here and get a can or two.

celly said:
Gary, they don't have it in Lethbridge yet, but it will be soon. Stay tuned or make the drive up here and get a can or two.

Thanks, I might have to.

DirtyDog said:
Thanks, I might have to.

I spoke with the sales manager for Auto Value. He said all the store in Calgary have lots of it. They're introducing in Red Deer and Lethbridge soon. They're selling the whole Seafoam line supposedly. In the market for bug remover?

celly said:
Well, out of curiosity, I dropped by this place as I don't live too far away. I walked in asking about Sea Foam and they tell me they have pallets and pallets of the stuff and that all their stores have it available. I had never heard of this place and they tell me they're the distributor for Auto Value. I think the original poster already knew that but for some strange reason wouldn't tell us. ;)

I knew that Auto Value was going to carry it, but no, I never knew they supplied for them...neat!

Even beter now...

Besides, isn't it cheaper to go to the main distributer?

OOO think it will come north? ive been lookin around and havent found it anywhere in fort mcmurray. sounds like some handy stuff and id like to pick up a can ^^

jsun said:
I knew that Auto Value was going to carry it, but no, I never knew they supplied for them...neat!

Even beter now...

Besides, isn't it cheaper to go to the main distributer?

I doubt it's cheaper. They''re not selling at wholesale there. It's a small retail setup at that location. NAPA does the same thing in Calgary.

general x said:
OOO think it will come north? ive been lookin around and havent found it anywhere in fort mcmurray. sounds like some handy stuff and id like to pick up a can up^^

Do they have Auto Value up there? If so, you'll likely get it. The guy I spoke with seemed to imply Auto Value had it exclusively....for now. It's only a matter of time that Crappy Tire has it.

I finally got Seafoamed. Details here.
