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Seat upgrade

I just finished putting in a set of 2002 leather seats into my '97 Sport. It was a direct bolt in job and took about an hour to switch over. For power to the driver seat, I ran a wire and spliced it into the light blue/black power lead to the driver door power window motor since both the seat and window motors are 7.5 amps and would have shared the same fuse in the power distribution box anyway. I also grounded the seat motor on the seat track. These seats are comfy as hell!!!


  • leath front.jpg
    leath front.jpg
    67.1 KB · Views: 1,212

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Looks good but put those headrests down!

Look great except for those red pillows ;)

You really wanna know? They look sort of dumb and out of place since nothing else in your interior is red. Put those headrests down! They don't look right when they're a half a mile in the air.

I agree, headrests down, and ditch the pillows...other than tha, those are friggin awesome, and they look way comfy...

I can deal with the pillows in the front. But the rear headrests REALLY have to go down. For some reason they remind me of ET. :confused: But all in all they are VERY nice seats. Congratulations.

Did you get those seats from eBay or what?! They look great. And how much.. if you don't mind us asking?

Originally posted by section525
Did you get those seats from eBay or what?! They look great. And how much.. if you don't mind us asking?

They were on eBay but the auction was cancelled because the seller wouldn't send them to a residence. He contacted me and I bought them for $400.

those seats remind me of the robots on the new star wars movies with those headrests so far up...

You say you got those seats from Ebay!!What did they come out of & where did the back seats come from also??

Originally posted by wml53
You say you got those seats from Ebay!!What did they come out of & where did the back seats come from also??

Do you read or do you just look at pictures like a 5 year old.

First sentance:
"I just finished putting in a set of 2002 leather seats into my '97 Sport."

Hey whats the deal with your center console? I have a 97' Sport and mine doesn't look anything like that.

Lol, at least you didn't go with the blue leapord print like section525 did on his center console.

seat eplace

well,I also READ something about a Volvo...Although I see that the console came from a later Sport ...Smartass.Thanx for the quick answer!:D

So the center console is from a 2002??? What about the rear volume controls and air? And I thought the Sports came with power seats, mine did.

Volvo??? Where did that come from? I haven't seen anything about a volvo in this thread.

I guess my first question would be is where is the front arm rest. I have seen newer Sports with the soft bag, but there was an arm rest over it. I have too agree, lower the back seat head rests and dump the red pillows. Other wise, NICE!!!!

It does have power seats and the arm rest part of it is removed, you can tell in the pic.

Hmmmm?? I can tell in the picture, Hmmmmm. The pic is at an angle. The armrest may have been in the up position like the headrest and blocked by the seat back itself.

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Wow, those are nice seats!! The console is the lower one. Some came with the full length console(upper models, and others came with the short one.
