How to: - Second Gen Snorkel Install | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: Second Gen Snorkel Install

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thanks i just got the top from that site and it looks awesome on my truck!!!


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..... what do u do when it rains?

Ive driven in the rain with my snorkel a bunch of times while it was a downpour and the top piece separates water out so it doesnt go into the intake

........wait so the snorkel seperates the water form the air how? mmmm.... ill just go with "its magic"

yep...its part of the arb design....has little drain holes....and if you are super worried about it, you can spin the top facing the other direction.......I have done this when dirving on the interstate in the rain....

I'm researching this project and coming up with ideas.

For those of you that built yours do you notice any visibility issues since it's not tight to the A-piller?

if you decide to do it make sure you get it as close to the pillar as possible without blocking off clearance to the front door and it wont be as bad as you would think

How a Safari Snorkel head works.


You can also buy a foam insert if you want.


And here is their commercial grade.


D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

Sounds great, I think this may be my next venture

Hi guys,
here is my solution. It is not a self made, it is a airflow snorkel for a jeep cherokee diesel.
I think, it works.



Have a nice day, Ramius.

wowa that last one is real neat looking, ive never seen one like that before.

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