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How to: Second Gen Snorkel Install

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Hi guys,
here is my solution. It is not a self made, it is a airflow snorkel for a jeep cherokee diesel.
I think, it works.

Have a nice day, Ramius.

Does everything over there come with a diesel option?

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Important is, that the cheeroke diesel snorkel is on the passenger side.
The engine is never mind.
I hope, I have understand your question?

Important is, that the cheeroke diesel snorkel is on the passenger side.
The engine is never mind.
I hope, I has understand your question?

I think he was being a tad sarcastic...

From what I've seen almost everything as a diesel option in Europe and other parts of the world...Except North America.

Hell you can get diesel quads in England.

How much piping did you have to buy?

Is that bondo around the lower part of the tube? It must have cost a fortune to bedliner the entire truck

Is that bondo around the lower part of the tube? It must have cost a fortune to bedliner the entire truck

yes i used bondo to smooth it in i did not want that gap around the tube
it cost under 100 dollars did it my self just very time consuming about 12 hours in all with sanding and masking and removal and replacement of any thing i could remove(bumpers,lights,grill, roof rack):D
here is a link to other pics http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=213667

looks good, I'm looking to do it to mine, but it going to run all the way to my Roof rack basically hugging the body.

looks good, I'm looking to do it to mine, but it going to run all the way to my Roof rack basically hugging the body.

there is no reason to run it that high..(and it will look terrable)..there are other things that will flood before the water gets even close to the top of mine......jsut turn the snorkle head around backwards if you are concerned about splashing water...

^I dont have a stock roof rack, mine basically comes all the way up to the windshield. I gota see what I can do that, look at placement and stuff, I do want it to hug the pillar tho.

mine sits right above the hood. if i have water up to the middle of the windshield, i most likely have more problems to worry about than a hydrolocked motor. On a recent trip, buddy has a snorkel up to the roof, and we went through water that was barely to the bottom of the headlights, and he suffered electrical fuel delivery problems shortly after.

Funny to see this post over here.
Actually I'm the guy Ramius got the Airflow snorkel from:D
The Cherokee Diesel snorkel fits the 1st gen Explorers evne better than the 2nd gen.

Funny to see this post over here.
Actually I'm the guy Ramius got the Airflow snorkel from:D
The Cherokee Diesel snorkel fits the 1st gen Explorers evne better than the 2nd gen.

Really. What would one of those run me? Is it the airflow brand or safari?

We sell them at 269€, which is around 400 US$ plus shipping (should be around 50-60$ to the US). It's the Airflow brand, not Safari.

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^what all does it come with? and can I get some pics
