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How to: Second Gen Snorkel Install

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It comes with the snorkel, air ram, and some flexible tubing.


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It comes with the snorkel, air ram, and some flexible tubing.


You've got to be kidding me right!:eek: That's all you get for $400? I can get a winch and winch mounting plate for that price. :thumbdwn:

Could just make my own, although yours does look better!:D

Yea the price is pretty high but it looks so much better than pvc and the non-diesel cherokee snorkel is a little cheaper but it mounts on the drivers side.

wow.... I'll make my own..... and figure out a way to make it look just as good

Well, it's not my fault that the US Dollar went downhill and is worth a **** right now. That's where the price comes from, conversion rate Euro <-> Dollar and since I'm in Europe we have to calculate in Euros.

yes it is haha, jk

not your fault lol, 460 bucks in just a **** load of money for it lol

Silly question...... what about running through the firewall up the a-pillar (inside) and to the roof? And maybe blending in with safari rack?

you've got more than just the firewall to go through, but with enough time and effort anything is possible.

+1, you have to go through the firewall, probably move the brake booster(I'm not EXACTLY sure where its at on this truck, as I havent messed with the motor to much), also go through the dash, air bag, probably some wiring and electronics.

hey that all looks really good. did you have any trouble putting the outter fender back on after pounding the innner fender?

hey sorry to post in an old thread but can you snap a few pics of how to install it on to the airbox??

Hi, i really want to do this mod to my X but its a 96 xls and comes with that stupid cone instead of the other air box so how can i manage to do this cool snorkel mod? do i need to buy the rectangular air box to do it? which year air box is the rectangular one ?

by the way your truck locks grat!

iirc the cone type filter still goes through the inner fender so if you take the outer fender off you should be able to access/modify it to work with a snorkel. Mine is 2 1/2" pvc to an arb safari top. looks legit and is more streamlined than the premade ones even haha. heres smoe pics from my install.






note after the "final" pic was taken i rebent the visible piece so it is about 1/4" from my a-pillar very professional looking very easy to do.

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what did you use to cut your fender? ive been looking for awwhile at snorkels and havent decided if i want to run it on the out side out the fender (so cut a circular hole, then just run it) or if i wanna do it like you did. im more leaning to what you did because it looks more professional, did you you just use metal sheers or a grinder?

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