Section525's V2.0 - '96 V8 AWD | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Section525's V2.0 - '96 V8 AWD

Well, I picked up another project today. This one is very very similar to my other '96. V8, AWD, Leather, etc. Just no moon roof.

Got her for $2k. Looks like all it really needs is the power steering gone through (pump is leaking a little) and the passenger side exhaust manifold is leaking (I have TMH ready to go on). Plugs and wires will be done this week (still has the factory wires on it - probably plugs too). It also needs a good cleaning. The carpet will come out and go to the carwash, etc.

So, it'll stay rather stock (I hope :( ). I'll probably throw some 30" BFG ATs on it this week too. Stay tuned! :cool:


LED interior lights

Plugs & Wires
Exhaust Manifold Gaskets
New Battery
Fix Power Steering Leak
Fix Driver's door handle


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Very productive day today (so far).

Went to the DMV to transfer title, get new tags, etc. It was a breeze.
Went to AAA to add it to insurance. Easy.
Installed a new battery. Cake.

Took the Super Dooty to a Glass and Muffler shop to get it smogged. They had the 1/4" Butyl rubber tape to re-seal the rear windows. So I blew both those out, cleaned them up, installed the new tape, and re-attached them. Smooth like butter.

Oh yeah, added the Forum license plate frame.

Next on the list is to clean the carpets Joe Dirt-style. Then... new exhaust manifold gaskets are coming in the morning. So headers manana! :cool:

Crappy pics:


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I'll be removing the receiver and 7pin connector. I'll see how its wired up if anyone has a use for it. I can't see myself having a reason to tow with this thing. :p:

Very productive! I thought you were stuck at the DMV until Monday morning!!! lol!

Kudos on the carpet cleaning :thumbsup:

That fan should put out a few more ponies than a couple of leaf blower's, if she float's your ready for the swamp marshes.:D

I'll be removing the receiver and 7pin connector. I'll see how its wired up if anyone has a use for it. I can't see myself having a reason to tow with this thing. :p:

It's good for moving the flat bed around when the truck is unavailable.

By the way- you're closer to carpet cleaning my way than you know. Mine is put up since the carpet is dry. :D


...and that had better not be a bottle of Armor-All on that box. Devil juice. Make your s**t crack.

A stock 2nd gen V8 drives pretty good, doesn't it.

That one looks pretty good. I'm glad your saving it.

Yeah.. its really been a long time since I drove a stocker Explorer. 2002ish!

I just got back from the carwash. Did the JD hose-down. The floor mat clips wouldn't hold the carpet when it was wet. But since I took the Super Dooty anyways I just spread it out in the bed and hosed it. We'll see how it turns out tomorrow. The one light they had in the wash bay kept turning off. :p:

The floor mat clips wouldn't hold the carpet when it was wet. But since I took the Super Dooty anyways I just spread it out in the bed and hosed it.:p:

Truck works for sure... But that's why one of the ends goes OVER the clip. :D



For some reason my carpet has a slit in it right under the center console...all the way to that square hole in yours. So that made it even more of a PITA to hang.

Like this one?


That is Deuce's carpet. Slit is to get to the access panel to get to the O2's, etc...

Shamrock's carpet was the one above uncut.

I fought with it too... I held it up to spray. Thankfully, the clips in that bay were spaced a little better, I could slide one through the wiring cut... :thumbsup:


That's weird. You'd think it would be a short console VS long console thing. But my Green '96 came from the factory with the long console and I swapped in the short. No slit either.

It wasn't a factory thing, it's a "hey, it'd be much easier to just cut this carpet to get to the panel and not have to pull the front of the carpet out to get to the O2's thing..." None of them were cut from the factory...

That's weird. You'd think it would be a short console VS long console thing. But my Green '96 came from the factory with the long console and I swapped in the short. No slit either.

The slit is from a mechanic cutting it at some point to remove the access panel on the trans tunnel.

Lazy mechanics...

I got a metric ton of maintenance records on this thing. Someone paid $700+ for the blend door problem. So I shouldn't have to worry about that. Saw a tranny service in there. Uhmm... T-stat.

Someone took excellent care of it for the first 10 years of it's life.

Well I didn't get as much done as I was hoping. Got called into work for some Emergency $torm Damage. So I'm still cruising around with a gutted interior and only two front seats. After trying to pass a slower moving vehicle this AM on a two-lane road, I decided maybe some mods are in order. So we're gonna go ahead and do the CAI, intake spacer, and some exhaust to go along with the headers. BUT THAT'S IT! :D

Does anyone know off hand what threads the EGR bung has so I can come up with a way to cap it off?

Well I didn't get as much done as I was hoping. Got called into work for some Emergency $torm Damage. So I'm still cruising around with a gutted interior and only two front seats. After trying to pass a slower moving vehicle this AM on a two-lane road, I decided maybe some mods are in order. So we're gonna go ahead and do the CAI, intake spacer, and some exhaust to go along with the headers. BUT THAT'S IT! :D

famous Last words :D

At that point you might as well do a tune as well, it will really wake the full potential of those mods up, and tighten the shifts up as well.

You're probably right. :( I'm still pimpin' the Apten Chip in the green one cause that was the shiznit back in the day. So if the new tune is what everyone says it is... maybe both Explorers need one.

Ran through my first whole tank tonight. Not bad for being 100k miles overdue for a tune-up:


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