shackles and spacers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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shackles and spacers


April 10, 2013
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I have a 4" lift on my first gen and was wandering if I could use the warrior 153 shackles and the 2" coil spacers to bring it up a little bit more or would I have issues with the alignment and steering.

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You would defiantly have to get it re aligned but would probably be ok I have a 6 inch loa in the rear and 5.5 in drop bracket lift in the front with custom spacers and the steering is just fine... not to extreme angles

It depends on the lift...

You can lift about 2" over stock without changing geometry (drop brackets/cut and turned beams etc) before things won't align.

So, If the lift you have now only dropped the Axle pivots say 2.5" but gave you 4" lift springs then adding another 2" puts you 4.5" over the fixed geometry..

If the kit dropped the axle pivot 4" already and you add another 2" you are right at the limit but there is at least a possibility you can align it.

Some 4" kits come with drop brackets that can be used for 4" or 6" of lift (2 sets of holes).. If you have that then no problems...

I'm not addressing caster which is fixed by the radius arm drop brackets as that is less of an issue.. It's the camber that gives you the most grief.

Also, going another 2" means you may need to get a new drop pitman arm.

And one last thing.. If the spacers you are talking about using are the f-150 spring seats, those aren't quite 2" (1 5/8" IIRC), just like the war-153 shackeles aren't 2" (1.5").. Just making sure you are aware of that..

If you are using a stock pitman arm now, I have an extra FA400 pitman arm for sale if you need it.

Is there anyway i can lift the front of my truck without a torsion twist. i have a 97 xlt awd and i put warrior 153 shackles on the back but now the rear is an 1 1/2 - 2 inches higher then the front. Can i just buy a body lift but just for the front, like a leveling kit. I dont want to have to buy new torsion bars if i mess it up.

Is there anyway i can lift the front of my truck without a torsion twist. i have a 97 xlt awd and i put warrior 153 shackles on the back but now the rear is an 1 1/2 - 2 inches higher then the front. Can i just buy a body lift but just for the front, like a leveling kit. I dont want to have to buy new torsion bars if i mess it up.

Search here for Sloped Body lift... It's been done on here..

There is a debate about is it safe or not.. Personally, I'm on the side of yes it is, if your your only talking about 1.5" at the big end.

