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Shifting into Park

The more I think about it, the more I might go buy a new BIS switch and try that before I try to file some more. This shouldn't be happening to a 50K vehicle. Shame on you Ford.


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Hey all,

I did some reading of the NHTSA investigation and I would like to point out this document:

It states that Ford redesigned the BIS switch to have a shorter pin retracting time. The groove (pit as we have been calling it) is worn into the swing arm ramp (the up-angled piece that I pointed out with my pics) with rapid shifting into park from driver per Ford. So to me, simply filing the pit out won't correct the problem, of a poorly designed BIS switch.

So we have 3 options here. 1. File the pit and see if it works (so far my filing hasn't helped). 2. Replace the BIS switch (it looks easy using the instructions posted earlier) or 3. Know that this happens, and deal with it and hope and pray there will be a recall (doubt it).


So I just got a price of $91.86 for that switch. I'd love to try something else before plinking down $100. Common recall!

I have this same problem and just called for a price.
There is a new part number from Ford other than what is listed in the TSB.
5L2Z3Z719A at a cost of $132.62
How about a recall on this??????
That would be great Ford.

I know this is an older thread but my wife's '04 recently developed the shift into park issue. Truck is 10 years old but only has 90k miles as we moslty drive it for weekend/vacation travel. In our case she actually had an incident where she was parked on hill, did not set the emergency brake, and the truck actually rolled and hit her. Fortunately she only hurt her ankle as she was being knocked away from the truck. ALWAYS SET THE EMERGENY BRAKE! Having said that, the repair is fairly simple. The TSB says 1/2 hour, and it only took me a little under an hour to do. The only thing I noticed different about the new BSI part is that the new part number ends with "-05" while the original part ended with "-03". So far I have driven it a few times today and the shift into park from drive is smooth now. I did not notice the pit in the metal that some have seen but I could definitely see that there are drag marks across the metal, so that indicates to me that the BSI had not been fully releasing the pin all of the time, causing it to drag a bit. All is well so far!!
