short cuts to lower intake manifold | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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short cuts to lower intake manifold


May 17, 2009
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1999 Explorer (Base xls)
I am 98% sure that I am leaking coolant at the rear/pass side of my 4.0 ohv you have to disassemble the upper to gain access to the lower intake manifold bolts and remove as one assembly? any other tidbits will be much appreciated Thank you.

CPL Mark_g
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ps when I got gaskets from Ford they reccomend Not to use RTV.any advice?

On the older 4.0 ohv, you pull the upper intake off and LEAVE the Fuel rail connected to the lower intake, otherwise your messing with all of the injectors when your trying to reinstall the fuel rail.


edit... delete.

If you have a coolent leak into a cylinder or outside the block then you will have to replace the head gasket and you will probably have to get the head checked for warpage or cracks. This is a very common issue with that motor and I sudjest getting a repair manual and following it to the letter. No coolent goes into or is sealed off by the intakes so your problem is in the heads.

exploring nc
thank you for the quick response but to tweak your statement,I am leaking coolant directly at the rear of the motor.I have UV-dye and black light in the coolant. I was not 100% sure where the leak was/is.My cousin and I just today removed the intake manual and found both rear water-jacket ports to the INTAKE manifold were 98%blocked by some type of sealant.Ford says that the gaskets go on dry so a PO had a leak repaired by shady mechanic who gooped the crap out of the back side of the lower manifold to prevent leaks from recuring.
