Short Throw Shifter | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Short Throw Shifter

Well I got my Short Throw Shifter today. I don't have any befores, but it was like any of the 5spd shifters out there (just prolly ALOT sloppier). Here's some after pics tho. Part# 391 5020 from Hurst. I ordered mine from Summit for $199. I am happy simply because I can use my cup holders again for 32 oz cups LOL.

Side shot:


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And first Gear:


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And Second:


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WoW!!!! That is nice. I need to pick me up one of those :D

i dont really understand the point.

Originally posted by udmsvt
i dont really understand the point.

This is a short throw shifter and from my understanding doesn't play well with offroaders, but for a street truck it is super sweet. Huge reduction in shift throw, gets rid of all the slop and looks sweet too. Have one in my ST and wouldn't trade it for the world.

Originally posted by TracerBullett
This is a short throw shifter and from my understanding doesn't play well with offroaders, but for a street truck it is super sweet. Huge reduction in shift throw, gets rid of all the slop and looks sweet too. Have one in my ST and wouldn't trade it for the world.

I don't know it works fine for me! I wouldn't mind adding that to my 93 sport but with the manual t-case I don't think it would work out.

Originally posted by AlaskanJack
I don't know it works fine for me! I wouldn't mind adding that to my 93 sport but with the manual t-case I don't think it would work out.

Why's that??

As for not working with offroaders, I dont understand that either. Yes, it would be AWESOME for street, but should/does function fine offroad. I had two reasons for installing it:

1) My stock shifter was so worn out, the slop was getting to me. Why pay for a stock shifter, when I can simply upgrade. Its now a defined shift pattern again.

2) Yes I can use large cups in my cup holders now! By far the main reason I went for the short throw. My son & I spend ALOT of time in the X and almost always have something "CRUSHED" in the cup holders. It got old.

All the short throw shifter did was shorten the throw. My shift pattern is now maybe 2 inches between gears. I can't see how this will negatively affect it offroad. It is shorter from front to back and side to side, so I don't see how a manual transfer case would be affected either.

I DID NOT install it for speed shifting, I realize that it does not make any sense in a 4x4 :rolleyes: Nor would my truck even pretend to be fast with 33's and 3.73 LMAO.

I like it, thats all that matters ;)

How much throw is there from side to side and back and fourth, you said back and fourth was about 2 inches right?

I love the short shift kit in my VW :D

i have another important question. with my BL, i had to get a shifter extension.......would i be able to use this with the short throw?

I'v had one in mytruck for a while. I love the thing. Do your self a favor and locktite the two allen skrews on the base of the sfift handle. They vibrate loose.

Ok, I'll try and get actual measurements this weekend instead of guestamations for those that want some. Side to side in alot more narrow tho.

As for Body lift. The pivot point of the short throw shifter in higher (as the reduction of trhow is done thru a base) by about 2 in's. I think it may actuallt eliminate the need for a extension. However, since it bolts to the transmission the same as the factory shifter, if you needed to use the extension, I don't see why you couldn't.

I will take measurements this weekend as well as a picture of the shifter without the boot to show what I am talking about.

I loved the short throw in my Stang, and I am enjoying it in the truck :)

Ok, I discovered spare time today. Well not exactly, but anyhow....

1st - 2nd = 3 in
1st - 5th = 2.25 in
1st - N = 1.5 in
N - R = 1.75 in

That's what I came up with. That covers front to back, side to side.

As for the body lift/shift extension, here's 2 pics without the boot.


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The black boot you see is the stock inner boot that used to cover the shifter pivot point.


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thanx for the pix but that doesnt do me any good. i need to see under that flat rubbert "inner" boot, i mean like see the top of the tranny.

Under the inner boot is the same as factory. The section you see, bolt directly to the top of the tranny the same was as the factory shift. Just uses longer bolts.

i dont think it will work with my shifter ext. if that big round part bolts directly to the trans, there is no place to put it. on the oem, it bolts to the trans but the shaft can come apart near the base, which is where the shifeter ext goes.

I know I am going to get a few people asking why. But how hard do you think it would be to use the Stock shift boot on the Short Throw shifter.

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I t wouldn't be hard at all. The only reason I didn't, is becuase the base that holds the boot on my stock shifter was broke in various places. Eventually I will be putting the stock boot back on, as soon as I get out to a u pull it to grab the plastic base anyhow ;)
