show me pics of 6" lift and 31's | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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show me pics of 6" lift and 31's


Well-Known Member
November 4, 2003
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memphis, tn
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
I have brand new 31 10.50s and I plan on a 6" lift. but it occured to me today It might not look right. so I am considering a 4". but that will limit me later if I want to go bigger. So, I'm going to need you to post pics of 6" lift and 31" tires, that would great. I'm also going to to need you to go ahead and come in on Sunday, too. M-kay? Great.

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no offense but those are going to look tiny on a 4" or a 6" sell them and start at 33"...

I have 33's with a 2" lift and 3" body lift. They seem about right to me. 31's would be way to small with 6" of lift.

Here's a pic of my 5.5" Skyjacker with my old 32's. This was taken right after I installed the lift. A 32" Mud King is actually only 31".


if you want to keep your 31's you might be able to throw 'um straight on or get a 2" body lift to clear the tires. 4-6" lift will look a little wierd. and if you're planning on going bigger later, a 4-6" lift would be perfect for 33's or even 35's. i have a 6" lift with 33's and the fenders rub a little.

nak4af said:
Here's a pic of my 5.5" Skyjacker with my old 32's. This was taken right after I installed the lift. A 32" Mud King is actually only 31".

that really doesn't look that bad. Infact, I like it. Mine are actually 31.5" tall so I think that is perfect.
Your sig says 8" total lift. It dosen't look that way in the pic.

It also says he has 35s, so I'd say thats an old pic of his truck and it is now past that point.

tweakedlogic said:
...Your sig says 8" total lift. It dosen't look that way in the pic.

CookI769 was right! That is indeed an old pic. After I ran the 32's for a few weeks I had to fill the fenders up with something bigger so I bought a set of used 33 Mud Kings (mistake). I had to ditch those very quickly. The sidewalls were so thin that I was getting some serious sway at highway speeds. And forget about removing the Swaybar Quick Disconnects! Then I decided to buy the 35" Truxux MT's. After buying and installing I quickly learned that I didn't have enough clearance front and back. That's when I installed the F-150 spacers and Warrior shackels which gave me an extra 1.5" of lift. Still rubbing so I threw on a 1" bodylift to close the deal. I eventually had to trim the rear of the fenders for the final clearance. I only rub on the radius arm now. When I get the James Duff Heim Joint radius arms, I should have zero problems with rubbing, not to mention enhanced flex!!

So my 8" lift is form a 7" combo 5.5 Skyjacker/coil spacer front and SOA/Warrior shackel rear with a 1" body lift.

I see pics of my truck with the 5.5" lift and the 33"s and I think it looked really good. You should encounter no problems with that combination. However, I must say you might not like the look of it with 5.5" lift and 31"s. If you'll ever think you'll want to go bigger...EVER, do it now and save your money in the long run!! TRUST ME!!

nak4af said:
If you'll ever think you'll want to go bigger...EVER, do it now and save your money in the long run!! TRUST ME!!

Take that advice seriously...
I set up my truck for 32's.. and boy was it sweet... but then i was like, i bet ya i can fit 33's with some new fenders... and i did... and it looked dayum good... lol then i was like "man i have room for 35's"... and here i am with 35's after being totally "satisfied" with 32's.

i think the 31's with that much lift will look bad and you'll want bigger fast. If you dont wanna sell the tires, then do a 2" body lift and put on the 31s... then when its time for new tires put on the 5.5" lift and get 33's or 35's

well nak4af, Your pic has a good looking truck. After seeing it, I have decided to just go with the 5.5. I will probably be happy with it for a while. I don't want to go any bigger on tires until I get the 4.10s. The biggest tires I would ever put on there is 33s to not overly stress my bearings. I'm trying to build a very reliable 4x4.
I don't want a body lift because I have a manual 5 speed. The shifter extetions suck. I've driven a truck set up that way and the sifter knob moved so far I had to pull out of my seat to change gears. I will not be getting a body lift.
thanks very much everyone.

It sounds like you have a good plan going. If you want to have some good grunt for towing or just all out take off power on the trail, I would recommend going with 4.56 gears. With my 35's I am doing 65 mph at 2500 rpms. I wish I would of went with the 4.88 to start with.

The body lift I got was from 4 Wheel Parts. I don't remember what they were listed under but there are 2 sizes. Go with the bigger diameter. I got the shifter extension with the 1" body lift and it actually places the shifter in the perfect location. With a 1" you don't really ned to worry about bumper relocation. Plus when I get a custom winch bumper it won't matter anyways.

Show us pics when you get it finished!

Hey Tweak, I had a '92 with a 4" lift and 33s with minimal trimming up front at first for a while. I then trimmed a lot and put 35s keeping the 4" lift. 6" with 31s is going to look a little funny. Just my opinion. Good luck with whatever you choose.

It's going to be hard to find many, if any pics of pizza cutters. I had 31s with shackels and spacers and it was perfect.
