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Show off your LIFTED 1 Gen

Ive been looking and its hard to find the 90-94 explorer's with lift kits, so i decided to made a thread were everyone can link or post pics of there EX, and or mod's, i am working on a soa right now.


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Here's mine with little 33's


With 35's

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I need some new pics but heres a couple.



love that redrig.... Clean and stock looking.... Yet lifted... Awesome...

Very nice indeed, mine will look nice after i buff and wax the truck, the paint is looking bad on my X, but i went to home depot to make my MAF sencer adapter, works great,

First pic should be of my old 91
That was 6in skyjacker stage 2 lift and a 3in b/l with 33x14.50x15 swamper boggers...

The 2nd pic is of my old 94 limited on 3.5in of susp lift and 1.5in of b/l on 33x12.5x15s


  • clean.jpg
    38.7 KB · Views: 7,075
  • 94-climbing rocks.jpg
    94-climbing rocks.jpg
    50.5 KB · Views: 7,075

love the sport....

here's my 1st gen

I crunked up the torsion bars and added shackles or something.

oh yeah and I'm such a fan of fenderguy I got the stickers on my back window the same way. (or I broke that window again and bought one from Rick)


  • thaven1.jpg
    90.8 KB · Views: 7,118

35's and 6" of mutt lift. wo/wheel spacers.





5.5" Superlift w/ extended radius arms and rear SOA on 32s:


Hey 91Sploder!

What kind of extended radius arms you got, Superlift?

Yep, but hopefully by this summer I'll upgrade them to some of the Duff extended radius arms to help out with the front flex.

I would hope that that's not someone from this site, considering they say it has a 4 speed manual and a 4.5" Superlift lift :confused:

rino351 said:
I would hope that that's not someone from this site, considering they say it has a 4 speed manual and a 4.5" Superlift lift :confused:

To answer your Question Rino, I am from this site, and i was thinking about selling it, when gas is 2.50 a gallon here, but deciding to keep it,

autotrader made a simple mistake, its a 4 speed automatic, with a 5.5 superlift, and new pro comp shocks,and its a 93

hope that clears everything up

I'm sorry, didn't mean to sound mean or anything. Yeah, car selling places have no idea about that stuff, but I'm sure you do, so please don't take the comment in the wrong way.

No Prob man.....Bump :usa:

Awesome, we need to go wheeling sometime then 93LiftedXLT

Gimme a date and ill drive up only on weekends though, this summer ill be on the dunes alot, and on the 23,24,25 ill be in the oregon cascades for trout opener

Its nice being single i can actually do things now...hahaha

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Nice man ,very nice, yeah i just ordered a 3 inch body from trailmaster, to add to my 5.5 superlift +SOA, hopefully it will look alright

i really like the 1st picture in the river :thumbsup:
