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Signal Mirror LED's

I found these LED's made by Shark Racing and was wondering what you guys think. From their YouTube video they look very easy to intall. I think the only difficulty would be the actual wiring. Here's the link.


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Did anyone actually finish this install for the explorer and do you have any vids or pics?

Hey, so I say your write up first which got me interested in it, but then I read that the mirrors weren't heated. I have a 02 mounty and I really didn't want to lose the heated mirror option. Is there an inexpensive way to still have the turn signal in the mirror?

Hey, so I say your write up first which got me interested in it, but then I read that the mirrors weren't heated. I have a 02 mounty and I really didn't want to lose the heated mirror option. Is there an inexpensive way to still have the turn signal in the mirror?

I didn't have heated mirrors so I'm not missing anything.

RickOTR, the original poster in this thread, did install the signal mirrors from Shark Racing: http://www.sharkracing.com/acecart/bin/shop.cgi?action=view&itemID=ledmirrordiy&cate=070000000

The pics can be found on pages 8-9 of his cardomain page: http://www.cardomain.com/ride/666173/1997-ford-explorer-sport

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