Sold my 01 sport on sunday | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sold my 01 sport on sunday


Southern Cali Explorer
November 14, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Newport Beach California & Bay Area California
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport (sold)
Hey there fellow california explorer owners

I offically sold my 01 sport on sunday for 1,800 it will be sadly missed but sometime in the near future i will get another explorer or another suv.

But i still got my other car which is an 07 Nissan Altima 2.5 S

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..I'm in Newport Sam and I've been looking for it..

..Sorry to hear you sold it..:(

Time to move on, or shrink down for a little bit? The Altima is a nice ride...

Sorry to hear you sold 'er. :(

i sold my explorer cause gas was getting to expensive and i was paying to much insurance for it.

funny thing is the person who bought my explorer is my gf brother dad he bought it of me. i was actually in the bay area visiting with my explorer and sold it there.

he bought it for 1,800 and he is a car mechanic. he just called me today and told me my explorer had some issues like my rear end was gone it was shot my shocks were not shot and i needed new balljoints and pushings and etc and i was almost competely out of oil.

and also something bout my flowmasters it kept on rattling he has to weld something to stop the rattling at first i thought it was my heat shields.

but luckly the explorer is in good hands with a mechanic. whenever i go visit my gf i will see my 01 sport.

but in the future i will get another explorer or another suv

now i am back home in newport beach in so cali just without my explorer its sold & she will be missed.

but i will get an x or another suv sometime in the future. but now i got to work to work on my 2007 Nissan Altima 2.5 S

i am thinkin of putting exhaust and hids and rims and system and intake and some other stuff.
