Something grinding on driver side brake/tire | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Something grinding on driver side brake/tire


Well-Known Member
April 26, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Suffolk County, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 limited v8
Out of no where my truck started making a noise as if something was rubbing or caught in the brake. It happened randomly i parked and next day it started doing it when i press the brake it sounds like its squezzing the noise and when i am about to come to a complete stop it makes some noises and I can feel almost as if the abs is kicking in. Any thoughts? im hoping something is loose or caught or not in place as to I dont feel like spending money on brakes casue the breaks still work fine.

Out of no where my truck started making a noise as if something was rubbing or caught in the brake. It happened randomly i parked and next day it started doing it when i press the brake it sounds like its squezzing the noise and when i am about to come to a complete stop it makes some noises and I can feel almost as if the abs is kicking in. Any thoughts? im hoping something is loose or caught or not in place as to I dont feel like spending money on brakes casue the breaks still work fine.

It sounds to me that it may be time to spend money on brakes. The feeling you are getting that the ABS is kicking in makes it sound like your brakes are toast. I would start with taking the calipers off and inspecting the pads and rotors. When was the last time you put (or had done) new pads on? Did you get new rotors too, or did you just have them turned?

Sometimes one of the caliper mounting bolts can come loose and fall out. Try driving in reverse and then apply the brakes while you have a friend standing to the side looking to see if the caliper moves around any.

Is it making the noise ONLY when braking?

I bought the truck in feb and dont now the last time the brakes were done. there is a noise while driving like a squeeking the rotors looks like there is a little rust and will have to be replaced soon

I would start by jacking it up, pulling off the wheels and checking the brakes.
