Soon to be owners with sync 2.6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Soon to be owners with sync 2.6


Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer ST
So I decided to talk to sync support again via the chat sessions. I was going to play dumb leaving out the fact that I didn't get my vehicle yet and just say that I'm not able to login to sync. Below is the info he gave me:

" Please try to register the vehicle on our alternate website. Please go to and select "Enroll." Please follow the steps to create the account when you have created the account, please go to "my garage." Under the vehicle information, you will find a link to the SYNC website. Select that link and you will go to the website and will login with the account you created. From this point, you can use your username and password to login to the SYNC website."

Once I did this, it recognized my vehicle and no longer gives me the VIN error. Once you successfully access the site, you can use the new username/pw that you chose when you registered on the on the site.

I also asked about v2.6 and said that I felt it was an error as it went from 2.4 to 2.7. His response "possibly" lol.

Anyways, hopefully this has helped anyone who can't get into sync.

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LOL, so I logged out and back in from the syncmyride site and it gave me the damn VIN number error again.

Ughh.. off to chat with them again. I'll post shortly.... :banghead:

Edited - so it seems I have to login through the back way to avoid the error. I haven't received the chat box yet so I'll give it a rest today.. tomorrow, well that's a whole new day.

Hopefully this helps everyone else who is getting the error.

That didn't work for me. After registering at that site, I could see my vehicle, but as soon as it jumped me over to the Sync site, no longer recognized my VIN.

I also spoke with Ford customer service about 2.6, and they didn't know anything. The offered to transfer me to the Sync folks, but I let them know I had chatted with them. They said until the dealer get the car, there is not alot I can do. When I go in to inspect X upon delivery, I'll ask them during prep to update it to 2.7 if it is not at that level. Is there a way through MFT to see what release it's on? That way when I go in to check it out, assuming MFT is working, I can check the release.

Over at FB anyone with MFT or Sync problems were directed to send Mike D a PM.
Send as much info to him as you can & he will look into it.

Just another avenue to go down.......

Over at FB anyone with MFT or Sync problems were directed to send Mike D a PM.
Send as much info to him as you can & he will look into it.

Just another avenue to go down.......

Thanks for the heads up, I sent Mike a PM as well.. then checked my facebook page and Jamie wrote back saying she forwarded my original message to him as well.

Mike D. Just wrote me back on facebook. He said he does see it has 2.6 and he is looking into it and will get back to me.

Sounds like a screw up to me.

I sent Mike a message as well and he said he was looking into it.

Maybe he'll be able to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Glad you guys are getting things looked into.
Hopefully Mike can set things right.

I sent Mike a message as well and he said he was looking into it.

Maybe he'll be able to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Great plan! Mike D is a very knowledgeable SYNC contact. I hope we are able to get this resolved soon as I can understand how upsetting this is.


Hey all,

I posted this in another thread earlier but thought you might be interested.

In regards to the concerns with v2.6 being displayed on syncmyride, I can confirm that the description for the version information will be corrected by early next week. Those of you who currently have v2.6 displayed on your syncmyride account actually do have the latest SYNC software version. Please check your sync owner account early next week to see the correction.

For the VIN validation concerns, please be advised that there are back end configuration checks that are performed pre-delivery and your VIN will be properly displayed at the time of delivery.

Hope this helps! As always, feel free to PM me with any further questions. Thank you.

