Sparetire swing gate? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sparetire swing gate?


Well-Known Member
November 12, 2008
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'99 XLT 4x4
Does any one out there have a rear swing gate on their Ex for the spare tire? I would fab one up but if any one has a better suggestion that'd be nice.

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Rear Swing gate

Truck candy has one that mounts on the receiver hitch although it is a little pricey

that is a great idea mika, would you mind sharing some info/specs on that thing. btw in that slideshow it looks like you guys had some fun

okay, I do some photo with dimensions

Truck candy has one that mounts on the receiver hitch although it is a little pricey

What would you do if you had to tow something?

I designed one, but due to local machine shop issues:rolleyes:, I never got around to fabbing it up.


Reply for Cobraguy

The Truck Candy hitch gate has a 2" receiver built in so you can still tow with it although you would have to check with them on specific ratings.

whats the website where i can find that?

Hitch Gate website

2" Receiver Hitch Mounted Tire Carrier
Opens wide for complete access to back of vehicle
Carries up to 40" tires (150 lbs)
Powder Coated Black Polyester Semi-Gloss
Integrated 2" receiver allows towing while installed
Anti-Rattle Mounting
Hi-Lift Jack Mount Included
Lighted License Plate relocation kit available
Theft Resistant
Made in USA

cough cough

Pretty proud of that puppy, eh?

I don't own the Hitch Gate but would like to ! The funds are just not there at the moment with the holidays just around the corner.

This is the one i'm buildng, it's almost done, just needs the rim mount finnished. It's mostly trial and error. Unlike the other bumpers i've made, i didn't plan this one out ahead of time, so it's taking longer getting things "right".



hope this can give ya some ideas too.
