Squeak coming from front passenger suspension? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Squeak coming from front passenger suspension?


Well-Known Member
December 27, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Whitmore Lake, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Sport
On the days that its bitter cold out (20 and below), theres a creaking/squeaking noise coming from my passenger side front wheel well. It only makes noise when I turn the wheel or hit a bump. I can also jump up and down on that side of the truck and the noise come back.

Anybody know what this is? I assume something is just dry and needs some grease... just dont know what.

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Shocks, torsion bars, tie rod ends..... possibilities are endless, and since the front ends on these are sealed, not much you can lube........

So how do I go about fixing it? (Other than taking it to a shop and paying $$ for them to 'find' the problem)


You can try spraying wd-40 on joints etc., or just live with it until the weather warms up and the squeak goes away.....
