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stalling immediately after start-up

Mike, glad to hear the problem is fixed, I hope it stays fixed. I noticed you mentioned that the first place you had problems was in Vegas, I was living up there for about 6 months last year and my Exploder hated every minute of it. There was hardly a day that went by that I wasn't getting a CEL related to something that wasn't broken and they were different codes from day to day. I did as much to it as I could considering the situation I was in and the only thing that I found to make it go away was to bring it back to LA. I would like to blame the elevation on the problem except that my house in LA is at the same elevation as Vegas, so to this day I have no idea what was wrong with it and pretty much have no desire to go back to Vegas. Just my .02 on weird experiences.


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I am glad to hear that a 8 dollar can of injector cleaner solved the problem. Might want to change the fuel filter as someone else already said. It could be pluged and when you ran the cleaner through it, it cleaned out a little spot in the filter. Just a thought.


an update for all...

I cleaned my IAC with throttle-body cleaner - as well as the ports on the throttle body where the IAC mounts. No problems any more - just be sure the electrical plug is attached or nothing will work! ;)


Hmmm...good idea about changing the fuel filter, although I just changed it at 120,000 miles. I hope it wouldn't get that clogged in only 10,000 miles. I only use good name brand gas like Amoco when I'm in Michigan and ARCO when I'm in California.



Do you notice any more pinging on the ARCO gas? Supposedly all gas comes from the same place (I don't believe it) but my 92 hates ARCO and pings like crazy on it regardless of what octane rating I put in it.

Yeah, changing the fuel filter wouldn't hurt, make sure to follow the procedure for draining the fuel from the lines though, or it will go everywhere (yeah, that's experience talkin!). I try to run a bottle of fuel treatment/injector cleaner about every 5th or 6th tank to keep things clean. Or it could have been that the computer finally reset itself to the altitude. Whatever it was, at least it's fixed now!

OOPS! I type too slow! Seeing that you replaced the fuel filter only 10,000 miles ago, it would be strange for it to be clogged...

Hey Tim

Nope, my Explorer will ping no matter what kind of gas I put in it. Well, it hardly pings on 92, but the only gas that really makes the car run a little better is Mobil, and that's because they don't control their octane levels as well as the other companies do, meaning that sometimes you could get a higher (but never lower) octane level than is indicated at the pump (i.e. 92 could actually be 92.5 or 93). It's just not worth the price difference over ARCO though.



Ever since I put a chip in my 92 it hasn't pinged at all, I was running 92 in accordance with the chipmakers instructions but with the price of 92 out here I have switch to 89 with a lighter foot and a more sensitive ear. So far I haven't heard any pinging and since I have to drive up the 2 freeway (STEEP) everyday on my way home from work and usually have the AC on it should ping. But hey I'm not complaining nor am I saying that a chip is the solution to the pinging problem, it just worked for me. On the other hand my bone stock 93 never pings... go figure.

to the comment that all gas comes from the same place.....well technically it does all come out of the ground. but i know what you mean. there are only 2 oil companies that still refine oil for gas and other products and i believe that it is Exxon and Conaco. i think that mobil,phillips66 and arco get their gas from exxon. but they just buy raw gasioline and then they add their own detergants and differant additives. so ...while all the gas in your area does come from the same place it does make a differance where you buy it from cause of the differant additaves. my dad used to work for arco so while i would like say buy their gas so that the stock goes up i cant cause their products are crap in my opinion. he used some kind of graphite oil that they developed in our 85 crown vic and it clogged up the oil passages. i am still amazed that the thing lasted to 140k. dont know if its still running cause we sold it a few years ago when i got my X. actually i think that BP refines their own gas as well. well glad to hear that the X is running good now.

’95 loaded XLT 4.0 4x4 120K

This form is great. I have had major problems with the truck dieing at low idle when hot for last 10K. Dealer replaced a $1000.00 fuel injector controller and still the truck stalled. Read several posting here and found the following links about the Idle Air Control Valve. Over the weekend I removed and flushed the IACV with carb cleaner. Chunks of black crud came out(cool hun). No low idle problems any more! I hope this helps others.
Dead Link Removed
