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Starter Relay


Master Apprentice
June 27, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Souderton, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XLT
Ok, so after I took out the old alarm system somehow the ignition was killed. I have power on at the key but no start. I can jump it from the terminals just fine. Where is the relay under the dash that controls this, I consulted my chiltions wiring guide but its not much help. I believe its part of the 4 relays that are stuck together but so far nothing is working.

Any ideas?

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if you are looking for the started relay it should be under the hood on the passenger side. i think the older first gens may have had that under the actual fusebox, but im not sure. mines right there but its a 94

no, not that one. Thats thee starter solenoid, I need the relay that comes from the ignition position on the key.

Probably just the first topic on the board

I thought that the startet relay was near the battery and the main fuse box

Ok, we have now established the starter solenoid is located on the passenger side next to the battery. I knew that already, that is why I previously mentioned that that piece is not the one I need to find.

Ok, the key has an ignition position which sends power to the starter sol which in turn powers the starter. I need to locate the wire coming from the ignition position on the key cylinder and through my best guesses, passes through a ford relay before going out under the hood.

No one mention anything under the hood, thats not where the problem is.
You want figure 13, incidently this corresponds with Haynes.

Power comes down the switch, through the clutch or a clutch jumper/auto gear lever and to the starter relay. Forward of the box in the diagram. From the relay it's through the fusible link to the starter solenoid within the starter. The solenoid pulls in the starter which closes a switch in the starter engaging the motor. The Haynes picture is clear, but it's too late for me to scan tonight. No relay under the dash as far as I know.

Speaking of which, there is a relay under the dash behind the glove box that has always been a mystery. Perhaps this is the one you are thinking of? I don't believe it has anything to do with your starting circuit though.


  • Relay Box.JPG
    Relay Box.JPG
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That is the started relay according to the haynes manual.

No one mention anything under the hood, thats not where the problem is.


It may not be the right term to describe it, but nothing under the hood was touched so somewhere a wire/relay got disconnected under the steering wheel.


It may not be the right term to describe it, but nothing under the hood was touched so somewhere a wire/relay got disconnected under the steering wheel.

I'll type slowly :D

From the starter switch under the dash to a clutch jumper for automatic transmissions OR a clutch switch for manuals. Perhaps this is what got knocked loose. A better diagram below.


  • starter.jpg
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thats what I was looking for, your last post didnt quick click. thanks.
