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...i am really thinking something shorted in that radio and that broken ground might have done it...:scratch:

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Well i think that its up to ideal audio now. I dont know that it didnt fry something in my radio.. Butt it was on tight it took a little doing to get the connection on the battery loose. So i dont know thank you t bars for your help!!!!!!!!

K so i took the x into phase 4 and they say that i need to bypass the factory amp they wanna charge me like 150 dollers to do it is this something that i can do...... could some one explain to me how to do this might shop around for a new aftermarket amp and see what they would charge to bypass the old one and install the new one...the price would be less than half on the installation...;)
...if you want to do it yourself you can try this link for wiring...:D
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Radio static

Ok, this is weird, but true. My wife drives a 95 Limited, we've had it for 11 years, since it had 33k miles. Almost immediately we had seriously obnoxious static every time I drove the car but never when she did. We're kinda slow, but finally figured out it has something to do with the position of the power seat. Easy fix, I just don't drive her car.

So maybe yours has some other short, far away from the radio. Move your seat around and see what happens.

Good Luck.

I took mine in and they said it was just that stuped factory amp.I think that i am just going to run new wires from my deck to my speakers. That way it should fix all angles of the problem. Thanks
James T
