Steering Wheel Button Lights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Steering Wheel Button Lights


January 30, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Mechanicsville, Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer XLT
I have a question:

I have a 2001 Ford Explorer with the standard steering wheel with air bag and cruise control buttons. At night, when I have the lights turned on, the steering wheel cruise control buttons are lit up. That is, the "on" and "off" buttons on the left side of the steering wheel are lit up. The buttons on the right, "resume", "coast", "set" aren't lit. To be honest with you, I can't remember if those buttons ever did light up.

Do any of you know off-hand if these are supposed to be lit up at night? If possible, if out tonight, take a look and let me know.

Now, if these are supposed to be lit, I'm assuming there's a bulb back there. Any tricks to replacing it or getting to it?

Thanks for the info.

The wheel lights on my 99 all light up.
