Stock or near-stock tire/rim size | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stock or near-stock tire/rim size

New to the site, and I must say-wow!

Today I am picking up the 91 Explorer (Eddie Bauer, 4x4, 4 door) I just bought. My question is an odd one, but it makes sense once you know that the truck was a theft recovery- the wheels/tires and radio were stolen.

I would like to get a set of the popular Outlaw II wheels from American Racing Equipment, but I want to get as close to stock as I can get- or maybe a bit larger on the tires.

What is the stock rim size, including offset? In other words, what do I tell the wheel salesman to get a wheel that is close to stock? And what tire size do you recommend to go with this? This is to be a daily driver, with some occasional boat-pulling. Needles to say, I don't want a combo where I have to trim feders or whatnot.

Thank you for your help, and I am going to continue "Exploring" this site.

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honestly- i can't think of one reasong why'd i'd wanna buy aftermarket wheels and get as close to stock as possible. if you get a set of 15x8's and some 30x9.5" tires, and any backspacing you care to have, your not going to rub. if you really want the stock sizes, then go get a 15x7something(the width's very from year to year and style to syle). and a set of 235-75r15's and you'll be riding stock.

The reason I was wanting to go with close to stock is because we have a newborn, a 2 year old and a 4 year old that we need to get in and out of the truck every day. Plus, my old lady is kinda short, and she compains alot getting into my lifted F-250. That's the ONLY reasoning.

If I took your advice and got the 30" tires, how much would it raise the floorboard from where it would be from stock? If it isn't too much, I'd go for it.

As far as backspacing, I am a dummy with that subject. I had a car (can't remember which one) that I bought new rims for. The salesman asked how much backspace I wanted and I said none (thinking none would mean the same as "stock"). When I mounted the wheels, they stuck out pretty far from where the originals did. Of course they wouldn't take it back since I already mounted the tires.

What I want is for the new rim to place the tire where it's supposed to be in the wheel well. Do I need to change the backspacing to do this, or should the salesman just know?

Psyclopse, The stock rims were most likely 15x7 with 4.5" backspacing. You probably won't be able to find aftermarket rims with the same bs, most are 3.75". Maybe look for some used stock Explorer rims, you could pick those up cheap.
If you put on 30" tires, your floor would be about one inch higher than stock. And it would look alot better!


OK, you talked me into it. I'll go with the 30 inch tires. So, that would be an 8" rim, right? The offset would be how much?

Sorry for all the stupid guestions. Tire sizing just isn't my thing.

i would go for an 8" wheel w/ 3.75" backspacing. that's a pretty standard wheel. they will stick out more than your stock wheels though, but the argument i would make w/ your wife is: "hey, the wider the tires, the more stability and the safer everybody is." RANGERX was right when he said 4.5" bs on the factory wheels, but w/ an aftermarket wheel(even w/ 3.75", don't ask me why), your tires will have a little more beefy look to them. hope you like the results.

p.s.- if you search the "Before and After" thread, i'm sure you'll find exactly what your looking for and plenty of pictures to help make up your mind.

OK, a mostly related question- A buddy said he'll give me a set of tires for free (he's getting new tires with his tax check). They are BFG 285-70 R15's. While they are just shy of being 30" tall, they are kinda wide. Would they be too wide for the 91 Explorer?

I have some stock wheels, with new street tires i'll sell you. $300 for everything.


285-70 R15's are just about 31" in diameter, close to 2" taller than stock. And they are over 11" wide. I believe most people here that have 31" tires (275/75R15) have lifted their vehicles, although some did only minor trimming. But because of the width, I would think you're gonna rub with 285/70's.

[Edited by Peter Weber on 01-28-2001 at 05:35 PM]
