Stock Rim specs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stock Rim specs

i can't find stock rim specs ANYWHERE. i think it would be a good idea to have it as a sticky on this site so users can compare new rims with what they currently have..

that being said, does anybody happen to know the following specs for a 15" 98 mountaineer rim?

width (i'm assuimg 7")

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To have it as a sticky, someone first has to research it and post the info, are you volunteering? :D

I'm not sure if Gen2's changed, but Gen 1's were 15x7 with 4.5" backspace, which translates to 1" offset.

If I had stock rims I would offer my info.

1" positive or negative offset?

i can't find stock rim specs ANYWHERE. i think it would be a good idea to have it as a sticky on this site so users can compare new rims with what they currently have..

that being said, does anybody happen to know the following specs for a 15" 98 mountaineer rim?

width (i'm assuimg 7")
Good luck getting the specs. I have a 2011 Explorer with 20" wheels and was hoping to be able to use the base model 17" steel wheels for winter tires. The Ford service/parts guy said that Ford does not release any specs for its wheels so he didn't know if I could interchange wheels as I wanted. He said the only way to find out was to order a 17" wheel and try it.

If you have factory 20's, the 17's may not fit because you may have bigger brakes. All that needs to be done is to have folks measure their rim width and backspace and post. I posted a chart that will give you the offset if the width and backspacing are known

If you have factory 20's, the 17's may not fit because you may have bigger brakes. All that needs to be done is to have folks measure their rim width and backspace and post. I posted a chart that will give you the offset if the width and backspacing are known
Another Ford dealer I contacted said that the part numbers for the brakes on all 2011 Explorer models were the same so I don't think that brake size should be a problem.

The brake rotor fits inside the rim. That, as far as a know, is the only thing that determines how small of a rim you can use. Your 20's, are more than likely wider than the base model 17's. I would imagine the 17's would fit as long asd the bolt pattern is the same... Which I assume it would be since the brake parts are all the same
