straight axle conversion???? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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straight axle conversion????

I have a 92 Explorer and I'm thinking about doing a axle conversion. I was curious if any of you out there know everything that I need and what I can expect? Any info would be great.

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Oh yea!!!

Start with a search under the suspensions forum. Rick has done a conversion and someone else was doing a solid front with springs I think or maybe it was the 79 Bronco front-end.

Lot's of info on those two, but you need to look back about 30 days to find them.

Have Fun

Do a search back into 1999 for solid axle I wrote a ton of info after I completed my swap in June of 1999.
Best of Luck

Rick's thread is in the important thread archive forum (or somehting like that) isn't it? You might check there.

Check out my threads...I just did a Dana44 from a '79 Bronco into my Exploder...



Dale, did you ever get any more pics? Any closeups of the install or flex shots? I've got my fullsize axle in the back of my truck right now, using it for weight in the snow, And haven't decided whether to go with leafs or coils. Anxiously waiting for your pictures.

No more pics yet, sometime over the x-mas break I will get some more pics and give Rick a write up of the swap...
