STRIPPED LUGNUT!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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January 7, 2001
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Horseheads, NY
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91 xl 2dr
I was going to put my rancho 9000's on but I went to take off the wheel and the 3/4 nut is stripped on the outside, actually 2 of them are! what the heck can I do to get them off? I am so mad right now.......:fire: please HELP!

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your gonna need to take off the caliper and them use some WD-40 and a hammer. spray em with WD-40 and then hit them with the hammer till they come out.

what the heck are you talking about? hit what out? I lost ya....

Stripped lugs huh? Well, I'd get a socket slightly smaller than a 3/4". 3/4" is 19mm (I think) so I would find an 18mm socket and beat it on the lug with a hammer (place a block of dense wood on the socket and hit the wood with the hammer). You might want to use a Craftsman or Snap-On socket for this in case you break it, you can get a new one free. The smaller socket will bite the lug tighter, then you can use a breaker bar to get the lug loose. Don't use an impact gun, it'll strip it worse. Throw the lugs away, and get some new ones afterward.

go to a good tool supplier and they will have a special socket that goes over the lug nut and as you turn it it cuts into the nut and off they come I carried a set on my towtruck for those stripped nuts they originally were designed to remove wheel locks but they work in this app also

hey thats a great idea with the 18mm... although I only have ACdelco... oh well. what store can I buy that tool from to remove lugnuts? Thanks

i meant hit the stripped lugnut with the hammer, and i thought they only had tools to install lugnuts. i would go to pep-boys and get one they should have it to install the lugnuts.

Or over tighten the ones that are not stripped and try turning the stripped ones off with vice grips

You could try to drill out the wheel stud untill there is hardly any stud left, the hit it really hard with a hammer.


They do make special lug nut removal tools. Tire shops use them when they have to remove lock lugs and the owner has miplaced the key, or the key pattern is stripped. Don't know where to buy them though. If a shop recently had your wheels off, often they use impact wrenches and over-torque the lug nuts. If this is the case, go back to them and complain. I've had some friends that have done this and had the shop replace the hubs.

well that really isn't the case, because my friend used the impact wrench on my wheels and now they are way overtightened. Do you think autozone would carry a lugnut removal tool? Thanks alot

How many times have I heard, "Don't tighten nuts with an impact wrench"... I think it is good advice

Here is what you can do, if you feel up to it!

Get a Small Grinding wheel, and grind off one side of the lug nut then you should be able to bash it with a hammer and get the rest of it off. I Did this to a Jeep that the Wheel stud was spinning on the Axle plate.

I do us an Impact gun to put on my lug nuts, but my gun has an adjustament that I can turn and it ranges from "0" to "5". I set it on "0" and then I use a Torque wrench to set them to 100 Ft/lbs. Usually they are right around 100 Ft/Lbs already....

Bash, strike, hit, pummel, pulverize the lug nut into submission, only after soaking the foul lug in Liquid Wrench or WD-40. Repeat as needed :bounce: :bounce: :fire:

Sorry, it works for me.


Take a disk grinder... grind some flat spots oppisite of each other, and then crank on a big ass vice grips and ya should be set. I've gotten wheel locks off that way before

i got my four way lug wrench put it on the nut (mine was crossthreaded an would not come off) and jumped on it. broke right off. pulled the rotor and caliper then beat out he half remaining stud installed new one, kicked myself for being a smartass and thinking i could start nuts with impact.

i DON'T FEEL LIKE REPLACING A STUD (DON'T HAVE THE TIME) so I will just take it to a tire place and have em take it off and replace the bad lugs...

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I hope that you haven't done it yet. My friend had a few stripped lugnuts on his Bronco II and we got them off with a chizel and hammer. Just cut through the lugnut and try not to hit the lug too much.
