Suggestions on closets?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Suggestions on closets??

I have been looking at webpages that provide free plans for closets and I've gotten some ideas for the baby's room, any suggestions on websites, materials, tools, etc? tips, whatever....
It'll be the first time I try something like this and need to know if I'll be able to pull it off LOL

I have:
circular saw (10in I think)
jig saw
drills (corded, cordless)
screwdrivers, wrenches, hammers, etc

The closet space is ~6ft tall, ~6ft long and ~3ft deep, and it's that, space, it only has the doors nothing inside.

The inside is drywalled and painted, and I have carpet on the floor

Thanks for any ideas!

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I'd preffer not using the wire ones, so MDF, wood? I plan on painting it white

It's for the baby's room, so I was planning on leaving 2ft for hanging, one rod at the top and one lower, then using the rest for shelves and drawers

Here's an idea I got from the internet


  • closet 2.JPG
    closet 2.JPG
    29 KB · Views: 137

GF just said the same thing hehe

A friend of mine told me to go buy a dresser and put it inside and build around it, so that I wouldn't have to build the drawers, not sure if I could go with this idea, I don't want it to look all hacked up

Lowes, and Home Depot have small drawer kits like this with all of the parts that you need to build it. Unfortunately, I think they only come in particle board, and not in real wood. You could check Ikea since they sell real wood products like this.

Yeah I went to HD to look at those, the ones they had looked very cheap (yes made out of particle board)
The nicer ones are a bit pricey, and the idea of my doing it is because there's not much $ (I was just told that I'm getting 2-3 weeks of forced non-paid vacation).

The closest Ikea is about 8hours away, so not an option

Would the triply that has a finished side be a good idea for this? what about MDF?

...The picture in post #3 looks like an old Mills Pride version...Now they are known as distinctions at Home Depot...

...Here are a couple places for ideas...;)

...This one goes from wire racks to higher end, but can be ordered online and you can chat with someone while you are designing with their online design...

...Here is another online design and order...


Thats a great idea for my kids room. Girl friend saw it and agrees.


Thanks for the suggestions!
I'll take measures draw up a plan and check the budget
I need to get it done before June (that's when baby arrives) 'cos I don't want to be making all the noise, dust, fumes etc

Are you building one too Igiveup?

I liked the one from target you suggested Broklyn, I'll have to check to see if my local target carries those, from the site they appear to be online only, but I've seen stuff like that at the store

Update, GF decided that the baby's room will be in the other bedroom, so the closet there is 45.5in long, 2ft deep, ~6ft high, here's a pic:

so I'm going back to the drawing board...
