sway bar bushings/endlinks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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sway bar bushings/endlinks


Texas Elite Explorer
January 22, 2013
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City, State
Plano, TX.
Year, Model & Trim Level
None: SOLD 9/16
I'm looking to do my sway bar bushings and end links next week. Rock Auto lists multiple options for the bushings for 27, 29, 31, & 34mm sway bar diameters. Are Gen2 4.0L SOHC 4x4's all that different? Without getting underneath and laying a mic on it, how do I know what the dia of my swaybar is?
Also, any recc's on the end links? I've read to stay away from the MOOG's due to premature bushing wear. I really don't want to hodgepodge links/bushings, etc.. just want to get solid end link kits for both sides. The Raybestos Pro grade look pretty good. I seldom go off road, maybe a dirt road now and them, and we do get snow and ice here in NTX but I don't really need to beef up the front end.

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Almost positive the Gen 2 4WD front sway bar is 34mm. Use a caliper, crescent, or open end wrench to confirm O.D. Polyurethane is the the way to go for durability. Moog K700542 are new poly end links, but haven't seen poly sway bar frame bushings separate.




Almost positive the Gen 2 4WD front sway bar is 34mm. Use a caliper, crescent, or open end wrench to confirm O.D. Polyurethane is the the way to go for durability. Moog K700542 are new poly end links, but haven't seen poly sway bar frame bushings separate.




Thanks for the quick response. I just looked around a bit and will probably opt for the Energy Suspension 4.5155 kit. They also spec a 34mm swaybar. Nice solid kit for a great price. The Ex has got 185k on her now so I don't anticipate having to do this again. I will double check the swaybar OD tho.

One benefit of the mixing the Moog with other poly bushings is the slightly thicker endlink rod/bolt/body...
