Sway Bar Mounting Bracket | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sway Bar Mounting Bracket


Explorer Addict
January 4, 2000
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Sport 4X4
Needed to install new sway bar bushings on my X this weekend but when I tried to put everything back together, the large mounting bracket nut that is like 4 inches long inside the cross member came loose and now I can't align up the bolt to the bracket nut. Is there anyway to fix this so that the upper bracket nut won't move when trying to install the lower bolt into the bracket nut. If I remember correctly, there was an old thread about this from another member, but I can't find it anywhere.

If the front has same Ford retardo washer things as rear, i'd completely remove them and replace with new bolts, nuts and washers.

I also have new poly urethane bushings waiting at home for installation for front, already did rear and made thread about it, not sure if it is any help.

Edit: @swshawaii might know more of this.
